For those who missed it, Aeroplane Heaven let the cat out the bag that they are currently working on the msfs version of the DC-3.
Today they announced V2 of their iconic aircraft on their Facebook page, of course it is for other sims. However, when a comment asked about an msfs version, they admitted they are currently at work on it.
This news will fill the hearts of many simmers with warmth! It will be worth waiting for. No more info given.
Double, triple and quadruple posting has been quite popular recently. And I noticed some moderators have started simply closing those threads without merging them.
Also IMHO they shouldn’t have to do either, just because people are too inconsiderate to search whether a thread already exists, or maybe even need the attention of having their own thread.
For me double posting is the forum equivalent of dropping trash on the floor. But hey … that’s what the cleaning staff is there for. Always nice to have people clean up after you …
There are two threads concerning this topic. Despite his thread being older, the recommended thread has more posts. Please see this thread and participate there.