Aeroplane heaven electra

Try uninstalling/reinstalling from Orbx Central. They are showing the updated version number on their Electra page.

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That worked- thanks @Rexbo47!

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Iā€™ve just tried with engines modified with your specs.
Even for me, not very picky with characteristics, it became completely unrealistic.
Itā€™s a rocket climbing faster than some jets.
It would take a complete rebuild of the model to match reality.
You can try by yoursel if you want, in the engines.cfg file you just have to modify this line
turbocharged=0 with turbocharged=1
and add these 3 lines under:
max_design_mp= 36.5
min_design_mp= 12.0

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I was wondering what other entries were needed to get boosting to work. Iā€™m going to try this out, FWIW Wikipedia says the critical altitude for that SB variant is actually 5000 feet. Not sure if this changes anything.

It will only change the fact MaP will begin to decrease at 5000ft at full throttle.
I only did one test and wondering how long engines will survive.
Let us knowā€¦ :grimacing:

My Orbx Central ā€œMy Productsā€ page started showing the update today.

Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to find a way to love this plane despite its rocky launch and remaining fundamental issues. Not sure why. I just really like it (in concept at least), especially the Amelia Earhart version. I just took off in the Philippines and flew around a bit. I could really get to like this plane a lot (although 3 or 4 or 10 more fixes would be nice).

One of my pet peeves is the way the center of the yoke does not align with the center of the seat but I guess Iā€™ll just ignore that. Another was the way the default pilot view was so high. But on that one, maybe the presence of a co-pilot gives a clue?..

For the co-pilotā€™s head to be at a normal height, she is sitting IN the seat. If she was sitting ON the seat, her head would be up where the default pilot camera was. I wonder if the whole scale is off somehow? Or maybe just some of the scaling is off and thatā€™s why some things donā€™t line up?

Is it possible to disable the copilot showing in the cockpit?

I was about to re-purchase this but the mixtureā€¦oh the mixtureā€¦ I want to pull this little red leaver and have the fuel flow react!.

Aeroplane heaven, oh aeroplane heaven wherefore art thou pride? Or if thou wilt not speak, you will not be in receipt of my money, for thy mixture is not just a picture, but a leaver that I need to pull. Please get your act together, so that I may fly in warm weather, in the E-10 with more realism than a flying hen.

Oh well, lets hope this is a one off bad project.


When selecting the plane you have the ā€œWeight and balanceā€ menu.
Set copilotā€™s weight to 0.


For the mixture, while editing the engines cfg I noticed that there was a setting called something like fuel air auto mix and it was set to 1, which sounds a lot like they enabled auto mixture. I set it to 0 but I ran out of time to test it out so I wonā€™t be able to check until Iā€™m home later.

Whatā€™s odd is they say to lean the mixture above 3000 in the manual.

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Just bought the updated version after holding off a few weeks and have to say i am quite liking it. Did a late evening flight in vr and the atmospherics and colours provided by the sim coupled with the engine vibrations from the Buttkicker and the warm glow from the instrument panel gave a very convincing experience. Maybe i was re-living a past life but it was disappointing when i removed my HMD to find i was still sat in the house !
Dont regret buying this and am now looking forward to the DC3. I also have the AH Spitfire.


Please keep us advised.

Thanks for the tip. I played around with the setting you mentioned, and sure enough, when you change this setting from 1 to 0:


the mixture levers do cause changes in the fuel flow. As you lean out the mixture for a given engine, the fuel flow for that engine decreases.

Now, I donā€™t really notice any change to the engine RPM until you get VERY close to full lean at which time the RPM drops off very quickly. I tried testing this out at around 7000 ft elevation in level flight.

So, the setting does cause at least the fuel flow to react to the mixture changes, so, thereā€™s that.

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Excellent news, as for the mixture behavior, there may be other values to tweak in the engines cfg for that. Unfortunately Iā€™m not in front of my sim rig to look into this.

Just for the record, the mixture does not work properly even in Asoboā€™s C172. So I would not expect miracles with the Electra.

If they have automixture turned on by default, thatā€™s the sort of thing they should probably document. :roll_eyes:


As I mentioned above the manual actually tells you to lean it out over 3k!

With modern version using the AS3X, how do you change the navigation mode between NAV1/GPS ?
I cant find the way to do it.
(I also tried with the Xcub, same problem)

Click on the HSI and it brings up a menu where you can switch modes. (I think.)