I will do a detailed test flight sometime tomorrow morning and will report on my findings. I had a couple of surgeries today and just came home, so I am exhausted. Have another busy day in the OR tomorrow but should be able to fit some flying into my “off-time” in the morning! Cheers, thank you for your patience!
OK, I couldn’t resist a quick 30 minute flight before bed with the modern version. I am happy for an update that fixes SOME things, but most of my main gripes still are valid. Here’s a quick summary.
- Windows open
- Flaps indicator works
- Tailwheel lock works
- Sounds are not as loud
- Amelia Edition is sweet (haven’t flown it), but… nice to have
- Separate aircraft for classic and modern (Sperry vs G3X) - for someone who said it’s a G3000, it’s NOT. It’s the same G3X Touch as the original release.
- MIXTURE! No effect on anything at all including fuel flow. Pulling mixture to zero INSTANTLY (no motion) moves the fuel flow to zero. So - mixture is still broken.
- No WWise sounds still.
- DME instrument is still INOP. (The tape over it that says “inop due to SU5” is gone, but it’s still dead).
- GPS NAV mode still seems to be a bit wonky in terms of hunting and following the flight plan.
- Cameras are still at a weird height by default. WAY too high up.
- I don’t like that the aircraft in Cold & Dark always starts with a bunch of stuff on like Avionics, etc… Can we get it in a completely cold and dark state?
Overall, my biggest issue with this bird wasn’t the window. It was the fact that the systems implementation was not really there. It still isn’t. It just isn’t really fun when your mixture settings have no effect on anything. So… an update for SOME stuff, but some really big disappointments remain.
The current state of this aircraft makes me REALLY concerned about the upcoming DC-3. Are we gonna have a bunch of things that don’t work with that too? Will mixture ALSO do nothing on that?
Thanks for the quick update Jeremy.
Could have lived with the DME not working, the window not opening and probably even completely without an autopilot.
But the mixture not working is a no-no for a plane in that price range …
Get well soon.
I’d only add that there’s always the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.
Obviously, with someone who hardly ever asked for a refund before, closing down their account is pretty harsh. If you’re dealing with a customer who buys just about everything and refunds whatever he or she dislikes …well, give them a final notice and then close down.
Are you actually going to purchase the DC3 though, Jeremy? I’m with you with regards to the huge love for this plane but I vote with my money too and these guys just lost it.
Thank you, I am pretty healthy. Surgeries weren’t for me as a patient. I am a physician, so I performed them. But thank you for the well wishes anyway! Back to the Electra…
The DC-3? I WAS going to buy it. I will now have to wait and see. If it’s anything like this, I am not interested. If it’s released in a better shape or ever gets to a better shape, then maybe… depends on how well AH conducts itself to see if I want to continue supporting them.
Good news for those who are fed up with the constant noise of this squeaky trim wheel always moving when using A/P (seems maintenance forgot to oil it), here is the solution:
Go to the sound folder
Edit the sound.xml file (don’t forget to save it before)
Under title <!-- INSTRUMENTS FOLEYS ======
<Sound WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="lever_trim_elevator" ViewPoint="Inside" NodeName="HANDLING_WHEEL_ELEVATORTRIM_PITCH" ContinuousStopDelay="1.0" SimVar="ELEVATOR TRIM POSITION" Units="PERCENT" Index="0">
Save the file.
Your ears will thank you for ever.
And this works also for each plane in wich you want to deactivate the clicks when moving the pitch trim !
What is your maximum (take off) manifold pressure? According to the R-985 engine specs it should go up to 36.5 in hg with 2300rpm.
However, the AH Electra max out at some 29 in hg.
You can just set WwiseData=“true” to WwiseData=“false” then you can easily undo your changes.
Looking up the specs for the engine on Wikipedia there appear to be a few sub-variants. The A and TB sub-variants have a critical altitude of Sea Level so perhaps the engines on this are based on one of those.
I was going to change my sound mod to just take care of this squeaky wheel (before I was reducing volume and removing the squeaky trim wheel noise).
Nice thing about having this in a mod is you don’t have to tweak the original sound files at all. I’ll get around to that sometime today for any interested.
I am fan of radicals solutions
If you do a mod, try to make it usable for each plane with these annoying clicks.
I’m sure simmers community will give you a medal for this.
in the release notes it is mentioned that the Sperry unit programming is not yet complete but they wanted to get the other fixes released rather than wait. The Sperry system is still a WIP
Understood. Looking forward to seeing how that Sperry evolves.
You’re probably right. I get all the Garmin models mixed up. It is the touch screen 3-series model indeed.
According to the AH Electra manual, it should be the R-985 SB variant (450hp, 340kW) which is supercharged. So that’s why I would expect the MP to go above the ambient pressure when pushing the throttles all the way forward.
Besides, their Electra for P3D behaves this way (allows MP higher than ambient pressure).
I will get in touch with them and ask.
@PlumbGlue67, I wish there was a way to do the sound-removal mod generically, but unfortunately, you need to include the folder name for each aircraft you want to remove sounds from and tweak each of their .xml files (assuming they are different).
Anyway, I did change my sound mod to get rid of the squeaks for all of the Electras at least. It is here:
Also, for anyone else interested, I created another mod that allows you to replace the Sperry in the Amelia Earhart Special with the Garmin GX3. Will make the long overnight flights a little easier to manage. It’s here:
I was thinking at something like a batch to put in the sound folder, execute and remove after.
It will act in the folder it is. People having to choose the planes they want.
Purchased this aircraft through Orbx Central and no update has been made available. Is there any other way to download it?