Aeroplane Heaven P-47D released

Soon for download. “Razorback” of Bolesław “Mike Killer” Gładych - 17 claimed destroyed, 2 probables, 1 shared damaged, and 5 ground kills. S/n 42-26300, HV-V “Pengie III” of 61FS, 56th FG, Spring 1944.

What changes? Metal color reproduction has been improved (default are still too dark), dividing, highlighted lines have been added, various materials have been reproduced, more weathering has been added (of current corrections also was added), stainless steel for turbine tunnel added, corrections on external tanks (red tapes removed, which should not have been there, correct colors added), matched to the present LOD of 1.1.1v. too.


Wonderful job! Can’t wait to take it for a spin =)

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I’ve updated my bare metal paints to include the steel plates for the exhaust system as well

Screenshot (11685) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Which livery is this? Thank you-

Rafikst, where can one download your liveries??? They are beautiful!

86th FG (00002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

86th FG (00007) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Where i can download the liveries?

mine are all on fs.2, for instance:

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Sorry, but where i can download this livery? Thanks a lot.

been having a bit of trouble sorting out MSFS and my Nvidia settings but I wanted to thank JanKees for this repaint of the AH Jug - she’s been a favorite for a very long time

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you’re welcome!

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no worries, mate - at this point I doubt there’s anyone out here that doesn’t have at least 3 of your repaints in their kit. Well Done!


also - AH managed to get their Jug into this sim before I was able to complete mine.
I thought it might take a lot longer before we saw a P-47 of any mark in MSFS and thankfully, I was wrong.
Granted theirs is a Razorback while my project was a Bubbletop P-47D-40
In the War from the first day until the last day - able to do any job and bring their fliers home - with more firepower than any other fighter of its day for most of the war - the P-47 Thunderbolt


Love the Jug so much!!!

To that point, “5 by 5” is getting restored to its actual colors and coming to the Collings Foundation American Heritage Museum… They’re looking for donations now so they can break ground on a new wing to the Museum to house their aircraft collection now that they’re no longer touring it around the country…

It’ll house about ~63 or so aircraft and portions of aircraft (i.e. the nose of a B-29), along with the existing collection at the museum, and more, including a beer and wine and food restaurant/bar loosely modeled on a British Pub from WWII, including the bar top from “The Green Man” Pub which was next to the B-24 Witchcraft’s home base…

Obviously, it’ll be a few years before the new wing opens as they’re still in the planning stages. They already have about 85% - 95% of the planned aircraft (I haven’t done the actual math on that), it’s all about raising money for the building now.

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I’ll just wander over to their website and take a look - see what we can do to help that cause a lil bit

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Awesome! Thanks!

I helped plan the new layout for the museum using a lot of models from mostly FSX and other sources, bringing them into Blender, repainting a lot of them, etc… :slight_smile:

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Really loving the “Jug” thank you for bringing this to XBOX


Hello there. Any news on the sound pack? :slight_smile: