Aeroplane Heaven P-47D released

I had to install chrome to get the download to work. it would not work on Edge.
good luck

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meanwhile V1.1.1a is available at Justflight which should work now.

I have to say, my thoughts about AH have gotten a bit better with this latest news as well.


Yep.v1.1.1. So stated on the .zip file.

should say v1.1.1_a

Okay, I just got back from a work trip and found $23.50 in my PayPal account thanks to an AT&T phone data settlement, so I jumped on board!

Wow. I don’t think enough has been said about what a beautifully done model this is, especially with the shape refinements. The engine, the cockpit, the overall plane, just look stunning.

Not sure what the VR problems were before, but flying in Virtual Desktop on my Quest 3 the cockpit looks fantastic. A thrill to firewall that R2800 and fly low-level.

I often think audio complaints are overblown, but yeah, I see why it’s been cited here. I don’t even usually notice looping (and real plane engines have a bit of a “looping” quality IRL), but I’m really hearing it here. This is definitely an area I hope they do some tweaks on, especially if they invested in a Wwise engineer in the first place.

Also, all the talk of polys and audio and not enough about the flight model! Certainly feels good and like it matches the handling I’ve read described in various P-47 books. Ground handling is manageable, which is never a given in FS2020.

Overall, I’m really pleased with this, with some hopes the next update brings some audio refinements. Thanks, AT&T, for throttling my unlimited data for all those years and buying me 2/3 of a cool airplane in your court-mandated apology!


I think that is in case you bought it from Just Flight?

as it turns out…

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Bee (00005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Bee (00009) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Bee (00011) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Hello Matthias, any news about it?

Hi Rafikst,

Latest Wednesday i will release it :smiley:




Good to know, thank you. Will it be available at or at different place?

madam (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Hi mate,

It will be on :slight_smile:




Looking forward to it! I think I will throw some money towards Aeroplane Heaven very soon after all, even without a discount! I like how they handled this, with the (humorous) videos and the updates. Credit where credit is due!

Please stay on that trajectory AH! :sunglasses:

Hi everybody,

I was informed i need to wait until MSFS SU15 before i can release my P47 sound pack.

Now the good news!

Today i will send an email to AH were i will offer my help to them so if they want they can use my sound package officially for their P47D :crossed_fingers:

I need two more Bèta testers, if you are interested please send me a PM​:+1::grinning:




Great news and i hope, AH will adapt your offer, but al little bad for us. Why must we wait for release of SU15?

It’s one of my favorite birds in DCS and i love to fly with it, but with the original sound there is no way.
Looking forward for your mod and thank you very much for doing that. Thumbs up.

Cheers Thomas

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Account me.

You can account me too if you want.

Today a trip to the remains of the Republic Aviation Factory plant at Evansville, Indiana. The planes must be towed over the street to the airfield (KEVV). More than 6225 P-47 were produced here. The factory reopened in 1946 and operated as a refrigerator plant until 2010.