Aeroplane Heaven P-47D released

But that’s where you spend 99% of your time isn’t it?

I was kinda hoping it’d be better than the P51, but then lately I’ve been dealing with the Stratoliner and that’s kinda turned me off on AH completely.

Wow, thanks a lot! Maybe You can contact with AH about it? The first you can give him free but for the next project, if they like your work, maybe you can sell it to AH?

Yes, agreed.
while airborne, it sounds like the audio is switched to “mono” audio or something. It lacks depth to me too, but only someone that has been inside one of these aircraft at altitude can provide any real reference. It sounds really good on the ground though.

And I didn’t realize that the Stratoliner was AH. I deleted it after one or two short flights. The P-47 is definitely not in the Stratoliner category.

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Nice! That might convince me to grab it!

@Kapustick you’re right a P-47 shouldn’t sound like a Corsair. But I think many of us criticizing the sounds know that. If you want to hear a great P-47 soundset take the DCS P-47 up for a spin.
Replacing the sounds with those of Flying Irons Hellcat or Blackbirds Corsair wouldn’t be a perfect solution. But I would rather have a close-ish good soundset than a bad one that still doesn’t sound like a Thunderbolt.

This is what a real Thunderbolt (with working turbocharger) sounds like from the cockpit:

It’s a very short video from the cockpit of “Tallahassee Lassie”, Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum’s P-47.

Edit: I forgot about this video of “Tallahassee Lassie”, it’s a full flight from takeoff - landing from the cockpit:


@MNPOSTEMA4699 that’s great news! Thank you very much for your effort =)

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We are still talking about Aeroplane Heaven.

From my perspective, I see a developer that has made progress towards the level of experience that we ALL want. I will concede that the AH P-47 isn’t the level of simulation experience that I would like - it is far from it. However, I did not expect AH to release a product to the level of DCS, which you base your comparison - at least not yet. I would only have those expectations from Heatblur, Blackbird Simulations, and Flying Iron. None of which will likely release a P-47 in the near future.

I 100% agree with having an option for a better soundset that is easy and straight forward to install as a replacement for this addon. But, I watched a video review of the addon in which it’s audio could be observed prior to purchasing, so I knew what I was buying.

Personally and in my opinion, the Aeroplane Heaven P-47 doesn’t fall into the “avoid” category. I prefer to empower people to make their own decisions and I offered an additional perspective from someone who was also cautious about buying another AH addon, due to the historic lack of audio with their products. The trim issue is the only thing that will limit me from using it until it’s updated.

If this was the Blackbird Simulations UH-1 and it didn’t sound and look as good or better than the DCS Huey, I’d feel cheated and be critical too. But…

We are still talking about Aeroplane Heaven.



The question will be their responsiveness - that is, their willingness to fix the most-flagged problems (sound, trim) and the pace at which those fixes get done.

Not everything has to be DCS- or Flying Iron- or Blackbird-level accurate to be satisfying. The GotFriends Wildcat is a case in point - though, granted, it sounded better out of the gate and I’m not sure that it’s required any bug fixes - can’t recall. If it did, they were minor. Still, there are some things that aren’t quite right about it - for example, I get the sense it’s a bit too forgiving on landing. But it manages to be really enjoyable nevertheless.

If AH can get the P-47 to that level via a couple of patches, I’d be willing to buy in.


I didn’t base my comparison on the DCS P-47, at least that wasn’t really my intention. I just said if you want a hear a great P-47 soundset try it out, as it is fantastic. I didn’t expect that level of quality. I linked the videos to a real P-47 so you would see that I’m not complaining because it doesn’t sound like a Corsair, but because it doesn’t sound like a P-47.

For something that costs close to 40 € and states “Specially authored WWise Hi-Fidelity sound package” on its product page. I expected good or at least acceptable sounds that resemble a P-47. And I think for that price that isn’t something unreasonable to ask! It’s higher priced than Flying Irons Aircraft and in the price range of Just Flights Vulcan.

I know that Aeroplane Heaven has had it’s issues with sounds, but I also knew that they were working with new sound studios. And their 40th anniversary DC-3, is one of the best sounding / most authentic sounding aircraft in MSFS. So I had my hopes up, that they would have upped their game and gone to similar lengths with their own releases.

When I purchased it there sadly wasn’t a video yet, in fact the aerobatic video linked earlier in the thread was done by me.

I haven’t got AH P-51 or Spitfire and can only go by videos and you’re right it might sound better, but sadly not by much.

I guess what I want to say in short is, that I think AH sadly have done themselves a disservice with the sound package (again). I think visually it’s probably their best release so far and I hope you can tell from the aerobatic video that I actually enjoy the flight model.

To clarify I’m not an AH hater, I had most of their aircraft in FSX and enjoyed them. I’m also really looking forward to their Merlin powered line up with Echo 19’s audio. I just hope they’ll consider an improved soundset for the P-47.


I don’t believe AH plans on any updates to the audio implementation to any of their released products. It’s been at least 2 years since the P-51 received any update at all, so I expect the P-51 and P-47 audio to remain “as is”. It’s why I waited to hear the addon’s audio before I purchased it.

Yep, the DC-3 is fantastic overall. Although, if I had been more attentive and realized the Stratoliner was also an AH product before I deleted it and suppressed its existance from my knowledge, I might not have considered this addon at all.

For me, this addon was at an acceptable level for me to purchase. I wanted the option to see and fly a P-47 once in a while as I do not see a better P-47 option within MSFS in the near future.


You’re probably right with the update =/ But who knows maybe we get lucky, from what I understand they want to update the sounds of their Spitfire with the new Merlin soundset.

That’s true it’s certainly our best option for a P-47 for now. And I think if I figure out how to link the sounds of the Corsair (yeah I know it isn’t right :sweat_smile: ) I’ll enjoy it a lot more =)

I aliased the sound from
Both the Milviz Corsair and the FI Hellcat on a trial basis, the FI Hellcat sounds superior from my point of view. You do loose some ancillary sounds, but as has been pointed out earlier, you’re listening to the engine 99% of the time.


That’s great! I’ll try it with the Hellcat =) Can you please explain how I can add the soundpack? Do I just copy the folder?

No, it’s
Much easier than that. All you need to do is go into the aircraft config file and pick
One of the “flt sim” examples (these represent different liveries of the Thunderbolt). Then scroll down to the sound entry sound : :
Between the colons you will place something like ....flying iron-f6f…
and it will read the sound files from that folder.
When I get home from work I will post the exact syntax here, I am away from my PC and am working from memory so please back up anything you do!!!
ALSO PLEASE NOTE that the forum text editor is removing my syntax when I hit reply so, best to wait until I can get home and send a screen shot- I don’t want to cause any harm to your install-


Awesome, thanks for the help! =)

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I don’t necessarily think it unfair to compare to those other developers when this costs just as much or more. If the plane was half the price I don’t think people would be quite so critical.


Yeah, for $20 I would take the plunge and just use a sound replacement. But at $34 I expect the whole package, including great sounds. I’ll wait for a sale.

By the way: $34 is still a little over $30 and not “almost $40”. That’s skewing things a bit too much. :wink:

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On Simmarket with VAT it costs € 37.54 thats 40,74 US-Dollar currently. On ORBX the price with VAT is almost identical. If you’re European you’re advised by Aeroplane Heaven to buy the aircraft in one of the stores and not from their website.

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Ah, okay. I didn’t take the highwaymen into account. Thanks for clearing that up.


AvAngel’s take on it:

The load manage is cool and the cockpit looks fantastic! See, that’s what I talk about. Aeroplane Heaven have a lot going for themselves. They just need to take a few more steps to make it great.


The price now includes learning cool adjectives like “vitriolic”.

To E19 nice to know you have a list of projects in your pipeline. The work on the Sabre is fantastic.