Aeroplane Heaven P-47D released

These are good points, but the main argument I see is that if it is not AS GOOD as Flying Iron, they need to charge LESS than Flying Iron. That’s all there is to it, and they aren’t. They think it’s on par with FI. I don’t own it, but I see nothing to make me think it is.


Hi rafikst😃

Great idea! I will send them a mail tomorrow when home again​:+1::hugs:

Happy flying!



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Your comment re: “Vitriolic” caught me unawares and made me
Snort coffee through my nose :joy:
Glad to have been of service- LOL


Everyone that chooses not to buy this addon is making the best choice for themselves, and they are arguably doing the community a service by explaining their grievance by reducing AH’s initial and overall revenue from the addon. At the price point that has been set, I am certain that AH are aware that they are significantly limiting their initial revenue from this release. People that choose to be early adopters commonly pay a premium. It’s only a mistake if they do so without knowing what they are buying and what alternatives are currently available or in the near future.

Would people be less critical if it were $20? Possibly. However, there are folks that haven’t purchased it, don’t intend to purchase it, or they are not interested in the P-47 or the addon that have commented in this thread - with only 100 posts so far.

At this point, there is enough information and opinion about the product that the majority of people can make an intelligent purchase decision for themslves. I don’t disagree with most of what people have stated, especially regarding the price; however, I don’t agree that the addon disrespects the P-47. It may not be the representation we all hoped for, but the addon may not be a complete disappointment or guaranteed remorse for those who choose to purchase it. It isn’t for me.

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Sprung for it…because it’s the P-47D Razorback - the sexiest fighter of WWII (IMO).

It looks great inside and out, the flight model is exquisite, the sounds are meh, but I can live with it for now until somebody produces a sound enhancement for it. I’d agree with most that it is probably overpriced due to the sounds, but I love flying it so much that this is pretty much overshadowed. I’m quite happy with it.


That’s some fighting talk right there. Everyone knows its the Spitfire who takes that crown :stuck_out_tongue:

You got me!

…sexiest (U.S.) fighter…

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I like ‘em thicc so the Jug is the gal for me!

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I tend to think the gripes about price are overblown. I mean it’s the same price I paid for an XL Philly Cheesesteak pizza last night with delivery fee and tip. We only got 20 minutes of enjoyment out of the pizza, then it was gone, never to be seen again. A friend took his family of 5 to the movies and came back $150 lighter in the wallet, for only 2hrs entertainment. So consider how many hours you’ll get out of learning and enjoying a $34 plane.

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But what if that pizza has pineapple on it when you wanted savory pepperoni? What then about the price? :wink:

Great, now I’m hungry… also, the P-51 clearly is the sexiest WW2 fighter. That’s why I have the Aeroplane Heaven and two Asobo iterations of it.

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Haha hilarious.

Yeah but I really don’t like these types of comparisons because it’s not like for like. I bought a soccer ball for $15 that I’ve spent tens of hours learning to do tricks with. Or my 100s (maybe 1000s) of hours in CS:GO & Rocket League which are both completely free. Conversely I spent $120 on a 30min flight in a DC3, was that not worth it?

It’s just not a productive way to figure the value of a product. Gotta compare like for like. If we go with your pizza analogy, would you spend $30 on a pizza when you knew you could get a better pizza down the road for $25? :man_shrugging:

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Yeah, the P-51 is definitely the best looking bird from the yanks. Though, IIRC, it was developed at the request of the British - I believe the US Airforce wasn’t interested in the design initially.

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This Is true-
Remember this though- the P-51 was nothing more than the P-47s kid sister who was only more popular because she’d go further- :joy:


Everyone in the US military that flew the XP-51 knew how great it was from the get-go, but there was one high-ranking individual in US Material Command, Major General Bennett E Meyers, who played favorites and seemed to do all that he could to prevent North American Aviation’s new fighter from gaining acceptance by the USAAC/USAAF. Fortunately, there were guys like Lt. Col Tommy Hitchcock that successfully campaigned for the aircraft’s entry into mass production and service with the USAAF. One of the best books out there on the P-51, called " P-51B Mustang: North American’s B@stard Stepchild that Saved the Eighth Air Force", dives into this in great detail.


Well, THATS quite a title!

Stearman948713 check your PMs…

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Right tool for the right job.
Politics (and business) aside, the reality is they were all extremely useful aircraft, until they weren’t!


Yes but they won’t. Once they release an aircraft they forget about it and never update or fix it. The P51 is a perfect example. I saw threads where APH responded to a thread complaining about the P51 sounds. They responded with "what do you want for a $20 toy?“. I won’t spend another dime on their releases.


I felt exactly like that too when I bought the AH P-51.

However, I’ve personally chosen to accept a slightly lower standard than what I expect from MSFS addons for the moment:

  • FlyingIron is focused and tied up with the B-17 and maybe the Fw-190: I want both of those and at high fidelity
  • Blackbird Simulations is focused and tied up with the UH-1, SR-71, C-130J, T-6A, T-38, and maybe the A6M: I want all of those and at high fidelity
  • I don’t know what A2A is focused on: but I want anything they develop, as I trust it will define the next standard in fidelity. I pray for thier Military and Civilian P-51, MkII Spitfire, T-6, or P-40 for MSFS
  • I also hope that Heatblur will bring their F-4 to MSFS
  • I pray that FlyingIron will bring their A-7 to MSFS as well.

For warbirds, my tolerance is temporaily relaxed. The Aeroplane Heaven P-47 temporarily meets and satisfies my entertainment “wants”. The products I really want are still some time in coming.

In my opinion: FlyingIron, Blackbird Simulations, and A2A products are actually worth at least $60 and everyone has become accustomed too and expects that kind of technical artistry, devotion, and support without adequately compensating and rewarding those developers that share their passion with the world.