Aerosoft A330

Cabin? This is Aerosoft and they don’t do cabins.

Gotcha. Well i would consider those things to be welcomed refinements into getting it closer to study level avionics, which of course would be great. But i was referring to “broken” things that prevent someone from flying an entire route from A to B, which is clearly not even close to the case.

Also (and not quoting you anymore), people need to remember that when the CRJ was released, the simplest things like opening cabin doors were considered a big deal with the SDK available at the time. Words like “masterpiece”, “amazing”, “best and not even close” were thrown around.

Would be nice if the newly managed Aerosoft would release a CRJ 2.0 to take advantage of all the bells and whistles available now in the recent SDK.

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O I didn’t know that. This will be my first Aerosoft aircraft. I’m still going to get it because I’m getting bored with MSFS and need something new.

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The new homepage is online but doesn‘t have any new informations.

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I’m so “on the fence” with this. Probably won’t be a day 1 purchase, but if the reviews are positive, I’ll add this to my fleet.

I see a lot of information and I’m not very happy with what I’m reading. For a pre-release page it is full of excuses instead of features.

Like this:

Which is probably Aerosoft mumbo-lumbo way of saying it doesn’t have holds. And don’t crucify me for guessing because they are certainly making us guess writing things cryptically.

And this:

Something a 14 yeard old programmer would probably not write because it is not relevant and should be fixed before release without anyone noticing or caring about it. Yet they put it in their official page. ■■■?


One of those rare cases where a new dedicated website actually dampens enthusiasm, rather than fuel it …

They’re trying to style it out, but this project is not going very smooth for them, I think.

I guess we’ll have to wait (some more) and see.


Sounds like Mathijs is saying goodbye with his usual Bye Bye

I miss the “its the users fault “ though.
Or “the real a330 can not fly holds also”


Their A330 for Prepar3D has holds. Why shouldn’t it have in MSFS?

Maybe better getting the free headwind A330 (based on Fbw)

How should I know? The only thing we know is that “some manouvers will not be available from day 1”.

Yeah this is a hard no from me dawg

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This dedicated website looks like their way of saying: “We can’t make a discord but here’s this”.

Pretty old school approach if you ask me:)

Get yourselves on discord Aerosoft :slight_smile:

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I don’t agree. It’s a product page. Discord is for interactivity.

I’m going with their “we like to keep our customers involved” statement on that product page.

Discord is hard to beat for MSFS devs when it comes to pretty much everything (support, release news etc). Ask Inibuilds and many others.

The CRJ has the same day one problem … wobbling in turns after 2.5 years :partying_face:

The CRJ has the same day one problem … wobbling in turns after 2.5 years :partying_face:

Captura de Pantalla 2023-07-21 a la(s) 15.38.51


They have been Aero-bus and Aero-train ever since MSFS came out. I have pause even on the airports from them.

And we know how “dedicated” Aerosoft is with their product updates and support after release…

I really regret them doing the A330. Would have hoped for a quality developer to present us a product they’d be proud with. This just ruins the marketpotential for good developers.

Hahaha! I love that show!