Aerosoft Twin Otter baby!

Pride comes before a fall.


It’s not as if the audio is the only problem. One thing I found, that I don’t believe I’ve seen with any other plane so far, is having some of the switches not animate. For example. when I flip my BAT switch on the Logitech panel, it sends two LVAR events, one to flip one switch from OFF to BATTERY, and the other to connect DC MASTER.


Obviously it works if I use the VC switches. If I use my panel, via SPAD, it works, and I see the overhead panel illuminate etc. but the switches don’t physically move. It’s the same for many other switches as well.

It’s quite a frustrating plane as I want to love it, but its kind of like sitting on a pin cushion while trying to enjoy a movie. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind the fake spoiler thing if it really did only kick in at idle throttle. It seems to enable far before then, making some approaches a tricky balancing act. Perhaps ironically the only place I have found that it works really well for is at St. Barts. You can approach very steeply there, and still maintain an appropriate airspeed.

Agreed, and I think sometimes their handling of disgruntled customers could be better. It does at times not appear to engender any willingness to offer repeat custom.

MK just posted in the Aerosoft forum that they haven’t had the opportunity to record new sounds yet. What a surprise!

The switches don’t move if you only manipulate the Lvar. The Lvar only flags the state, the switch is moved by a Bvar. Spad can’t handle that as far as I know, you need Axis and Ohs or perhaps Mobiflight to do that. It’s been discussed at length upthread and in the Aerosoft forums.

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Didn’t they say they already recorded it but were processing them?

…Those many many many lies… It’s just… Never again.


Concerning the invisible spoiler it kicks in at 11 degrees prop beta angle. In the thread above someone posted a method to let Spad handle a gradual increase following the prop angle.

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Ah, yes., I had forgotten about those. Thanks for the reminder.

I wonder why they did that for some switches, and not others. The landing lights work for me, for example.

Heres looking forward to an update from Aerosoft at some point though, but I rapidly lose interest if I’m honest. There are better planes to fly. :disappointed:

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I believe that my ballon of hope has now found it’s gas leaking rapidly and the inevitable pull of gravity is winning at this point. Bummer.


I will never buy an airplane produced by Aerosoft again. Both CRJ as Twin Otter, they could be fantastic, if only the developers spend some after-sale time to it. Until now: I’ll stick to PMDG, SimWorkStudios, Milviz. Guys who know to deliver, and update, products.


Absolutely no surprise at all that AS has been lying all along. Seriously you’d think that just for the sake of retaining some semblance of a good reputation with the sim community would warrant putting in the effort to fix the sounds.
Will be interesting to see how well their next plane for MSFS sells. For sure there will be many punters in the community ready to warn any potential customers off buying whatever it is.

They released a surprise update for Twotter today.

  • Lower elevator down sensitivity to be more balanced with up sensitivity
  • CoG adjusted
  • Inertia values decreased to have very low pitch jumping effect
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I am glad I waited with this one as I did not trust Aerosoft. No regrets I did not get it. So many better airplanes out there. Hopefully, some developer will make a good Twin Otter one day.


Anyone got an idea of what this means?

I think smaller and less noticeable up/down swaying.

And you do this by decreasing (!) inertia values?

Maybe you do, in the sim.

Suddenly we’re all aerodynamics, flight dynamics and simulation experts now…

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Why are you asking me?

Not asking you. Just wondering.

Think that makes sense. Higher inertia would take longer for a motion to neutralise, so lower value would be more responsive and translate less “unwanted” movement. Amiright?

In my head that makes sense. An oil tanker, for example, has a lot of intertia, and takes miles to slow down.