Aerosoft Twin Otter baby!

I believe the Seatbelts and No smoking switches were fixed in 1.04, so I think you can leave those out now. Why do the generators need a fix? I thought the were working fine?

To be fair it’s not my mod, so I’m not intimately familiar with it. It is quite possible some of the changes are now redundant, if it was based on a previous version. Also, since each mod was created to be modular you can elect to only link the ones you wish to use.

Though I am amused at the possibility that AS may have taken CCM’s changes, and applied them to their own product. I hope they asked for permission first. :wink:

Regarding the generator, I just compared the two files, the mod, and the 1.0.4 original, and 1.0.4 still appears to have this issue, which the mod fixes. Engine 1 is fine, but engine 2 is not.

Then that’s a “meh” from me regarding this plane. GNS is a huge must for GA for me.
Oh well. Maybe someday when it gets properly updated and on sale
I already have a twin prop that never gets flown so I don’t want to add to the collection.:rofl:


What do you do if your GNS fails? :wink:

Aerosoft encourages you to use the freeware GNS530 mod in the manual lol


Amazing effort on your behalf, but anything like this also takes an enormous effort on the users side, to do this complicated process.

And, if goes well, they just end up with a Mod that while generated in this complex way, should end up being exactly with the original (say CCM Mod) would have been.

If you do not own the plane, what good is the ccm mod in any case. ?

If you want to see what what the Aerosoft cfg files are, because you want to use their suspect values, and produce something to make you money, you would just go buy the Aerosoft plane and have the whole thing to look at.

All this does Nothing to prevent an individual getting these .cfg file, and only makes life difficult for the legitimate owner.

The only really workable DIFF type program would be one that is 100% automatic.

  1. You run it, (from anywhere on your PC)
  2. it searches of the TWOTTER,
  3. (does checksum to make sure it is correct version ? )
  4. it makes a “copy” of the wanted files in the correct folder structure for the Mod
  5. patches that generated Mod file,
  6. re-created the layout.json and manifest.json,
  7. and then does a checksum to make sure it is all correct
  8. then copies it to your automatically found Community folder.

Ideally, in a Nice GUI interface that tells you each step it is automatically doing.

The Patcher would consist of a Universal Patching Program, and a Data file, containing all the information that the patch program needed for a given MSFS product to make a MOD file for.

Any maybe, finally, produce a MOD report, ( along with a cure for cancer !! )

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, and need not happen, and nobody needs to waste their time producing such a unneeded program, just because of AeroSoft’s illogical stance on perceived Copyright.

But then if someone has nothing better to do, it would make a fun Development project !!
(But if you do make it, make sure you COPYRIGHT IT and “State your Licensing terms” ) :yum:

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Man, a lot of people spend waaaaay too much time focused on this thread, given how much they claim to dislike the plane, the developer, or both.

Anyway, I bought it last night just to see what all the fuss is about. Seems like a fun aircraft to me. I guess that makes me somehow lesser in the eyes of all these haters. Guess what? Don’t care. I’ve been simming since since the early 1980’s and have a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering, so I’m entitled to enjoy what I want. :slight_smile:


It’s byte for byte identical. The jdiff.exe program writes out a binary containing the deltas between the two files. Both should have identical checksums.

It is extra effort, but not overly so. There are some checks to ensure that you don’t accidentally point to the wrong plane, though in hindsight I could have also checked the version string.

One upside is that the original 155Kb mod is now only 55Kb, which will make all the difference for those still using a 56k modem. :slight_smile:

I think you have entirely misunderstood the argument. I would have another read through if I were you. Think of it this way. Would I have spent hours of my free time creating a way to deploy this mod in such a way as it doesn’t involve distributing the original files with their modified values if I was a “hater”?


Pro tip: you can enjoy the plane—warts and all—but also be displeased with how Aerosoft engages the community.


Conversely, one can enjoy a product without expectations of “engagement” of any mythical “community” by the entity that created that product - you pay your money, you get your goods. Period. Enjoy or not. Continuing to complain about the company - not the actual product, its positives, its negatives, its quirks and charms - seems better suited to a different thread, one not dedicated to a particular aircraft.

Or perhaps the forum moderators would allow a “aircraft-only” discussion thread, separate from all this angst, for people to do that instead of complaining about the developer non-stop.


“Just enjoy the product!” I scream into the void, instead of just enjoying the product.


GNS doesn’t really in a sim and if that’s the case then I use the steam gauges and nav radios etc.
GNS750 is just easier to mess with for flight plans, sids/stars/charts/weather etc.

So in other words, “meh.”


Fair point.
No doubt the plane is good but I might not get it because I have enough planes haha.
How does it perform in the snow?

I have done some ice shelf landings seeing how close I can get to the edge… and you can crash if you get to close lol That is a interesting spec… now I will try the float version on a stream! lots of fun. TO first.

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I haven’t yet flown it on snow. I spent an hour or so earlier setting up a custom controller profile and tweaking some sensitivity curves, and familiarizing myself with flying something bigger than the warbirds I’ve been flying most of the time since last summer. I also tried to do some live-weather amphibious flights and man - this thing handles like a pig in any kind of moderately-strong winds like the prevailing sea breezes you get in the Caribbean. Impossible to steer out of the wind with just the rudder. I only have a single throttle on my HOTAS so not sure if differential throttle would help much - the weather-vaning is strong! But on wheels and a runway, no problem with moderate crosswind takeoffs and landings at St. Baart and St. Maarten. I will probably fly the tundra-wheel version a bunch tonight, then maybe try the ski versions tomorrow.


Don’t push weather. :slight_smile: :grinning: Do PADK tundra

You have to be really good to land at a ski lodge. TO is not easy either. There are some really tough ones out there. the Otter can do it.

Good call - I’ve never flown there before. Weather this afternoon was good, but that snowy runway makes post-landing navigation a bit challenging, lol.

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You landed at a rwy that was retired. lol pretty cool for a newbe