Aersoft CRJ Flight Plan File Location

Can someone please tell me the file folder location to plane Aersoft CRJ flight plans for latest CRJ version on Steam? I’ve tried searching but getting half a dozen different answers, none of which were correct.

Many thanks

I don’t know about steam but installed in an MStore setup from a purchase from Aerosoft they are located in:

I would think if you can find the Local State folder in your Steam setup, it should be the same after that.

Search is your friend.

Scroll down for Steam.

thanks for trying, however the steam install location seems to be much different. it is:


reading comprehension is your friend :wink:. it clearly states in the OP “I’ve tried searching, but getting half a dozen different answers, none of which were correct”

The link you posted is over 2 years old and very outdated. However after much trial and error I figured it out on my own, the correct file location is:


Hope this helps any other confused CRJ pilots out there! :grin:

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