African Savannah Safari Activity: Juvenile Hyena Unfindable, Activity Uncompletable

Platform is xBox Series X. I’ve seen users from both PC and xBox with this complaint, so it does not appear to be platform-related.

Have photographed the Hyena twice, in both cases following their sound on foot. I have been credited with three photos. However, have yet to photograph a JUVENILE Hyena.

The first photo was done from the hot air balloon and wind, suggesting maybe wind (and scent) plays a role. I got out, walked a short distance, and used the drone to search the area and found two Hyenas partially hidden in some tall grass under a tree. Their light tan bodies were visible from above.

The second photo found a pack of them near some African Buffalo at the edge of a clearing. I noted their flee distance is quite a bit larger than the herbivores – get within 200 yards or so and the Hyenas are off. They are unaffected by the presence of the drone. No JUVENILE was present.

The third photo, also using the follow-the-sound-on-foot method (and creeping, in case running makes too much sound and spooks them) did not contain any Hyenas. It was a grouping of rocks in a wooded area. I searched that area diligently using zoom and manual focus. This suggests a possible problem drawing the model, even though the object was present (and I was credited with the photo).

Time of day in all cases was late afternoon / early evening.

After hours, and hours, and hours of seeking these animals in the forest, probability dictates I would have caught a glimpse of one at least once.

I am giving up on this, with 18 of the 19 achievements for the African Savannah Safari completed. I hope the developers fix this as there’s no sense of accomplishment without all the objectives completed.