This bug is driving me more and more crazy. Appeared to me after SU9, no issues before.
I can’t even fly down to the Canary Islands anymore, without ending up in a slide-show. It always happens after 4 hours for me, regardless of the plane or route flying.
Latest: PMDG 737 - EHRD-GCLP, departed with 55FPS, landed at GCLP with 10FPS after 4h38m. Extreme degradation took place, right about the 4 hour mark.
Sim is constantly “Limited by MainThread” from the start, although CPU usage is at less than 50%, with no core maxing out. GPU is bored at 40% as well. However the above message comes rightaway and the sim isn’t using it’s potential, to reach the locked 60FPS.
i7 8700K @4.8Ghz - 32GB 3200mhz Memory - AMD RX6800
MSFS running on a 1TB Sata SSD.
C’mon Asobo…finally do something to help us…otherwise I might need to install P3D and XP again…