Also, what is Your Terrain LoD Settings? I have noticed strange thing. I have flown again on cursed route EGLL to LKPR, but only with 100 Terrain LoD.
I noticed performance drop over time, but not that big as on my default (250) Terrain LoD settings.
After landing I had 30/31 FPS on LoD 100. So i switched to LoD 300 → 20/21 FPS. Then I have restarted flight, same location,… - 32/33 FPS on LoD 100 but 24/25.
So new theory, is it possible people who claim they have no performance degradation just have low Terrain LoD settings and won’t notice performance drop?
Also performance degradation over time become thing for me after Sim Update VI. And Sim Update VI brought opportunity to increase LoD over 200, which I am actively using.