After playing a few hours, FPS drops from 40 to 5FPS

Now I am in a flight from Tokyo to Beijing. I came to last 300 mile after maybe 2.5 or 3 hours, fps dropped from 40 to 6 instantly. GPU usage is now very very low.
I think I will have to quit the flight since the 747 is uncontrollable…

Try to toggle AI traffic off maybe?

nothing changed. also tried to disable the online function
Anyway pumping new world updates is more important than flying in a flight simulator…


Y´all need to upgrade to a 3090, problem solved

(/s for security reasons)

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Today the main thread began slowing down between 2-3 hours. Yesterday it was after 7 hours. It also happens over the ocean or desert where there is nothing. The sim feels a bit stuttery when looking around, and it really becomes a problem when landing. That’s probably when most people really start to notice the problem.

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Nvidia 3090 is between 1500 and 2500 U.S. We all have to start our own gofundme pages.

Seems it do not solve the problem…

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a 3090 doesnt solve this problem, trust me :wink: It always seems to be the manipulators thread that causes this. Whatever that thread is doing (cockpit controls maybe) seems to get hung up for some reason.

Intresting… I own one and I’ve been plagued by this problem for many months on every single long flight

I wonder how many of you have capture 1 and still persist in using internet explorer? And these garbage collection ram issues don’t just stop there e.g. an Outlook plug-in is another likely cause and I suspect as are other older softwares that so much as reference these dlls.

The good news is that clean (from an iso) Windows 11 install should stop this behaviour dead.

I use neither of those things

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It’s good to rule out all possibilities, but this issue is not caused by: 3rd program, 3rd add-on, community add-on, hardware, windows version or graphics driver,… It’s MSFS issue which came (for me with SU6) and currently can be resolved only by Asobo.

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How many people use MSFS successfully without this problem? … Believe me somewhere in the mix the issue is yours or your hardware/software and there’s only so much Asobo can do … all they get to see are crash codes which might not be specific enough to even attempt a fix.

Honestly, I think everyone has this issue. But there are some important notes to add:

  • drastic majority of people do not fly longer flights, they just fly around the chimney for a while
  • majority of people fly only with GA and this issue is somehow present only on more complex planes (I am also flying 2h flights with gliders without issue)
  • I believe it’s place related and since people are flying all around the world, they can not enter cursed zone
  • it’s not easily recognizable on high end setups (for me I have “only” 12 FPS drop - but I am dropping from 32 to 20, if my FPS were dropping from 54 to 42 maybe I would not notice either
  • drastic majority of people do not use this forum at all
  • there are many people who have issue, but do not care about it (it’s about human nature - I do also have issues with my car which I do not care, but there are plenty of people on car’s forums who are mad about these issues, because they care about them)

Considering all this points and fact that this issue is one of the most voted one makes this huge problem which should be resolved as soon as possible.

Your point about “all they get only not specifics crash codes” is not valid as this issue is mainly about performance degradation, not CTDs

There are dozens of people who claim they do not have issue, but there’s not a single screen comparsion with same FPS after flying from EGLL to LKPR and then respawning on LKPR for example. Try this route with an airliner, show us your FPS after that flight…

In the end I would be happy if issue was on my system, because that would mean I could fix it. But sadly not, I have excluded it long time ago after I have tried everything. It’s on MSFS side and currently it seems only Asobo’s Devs can fix it.


I can replicate exactly the problem, I have a pretty high end setup i9 RTX3080, I run a hardware cockpit with the ProSim A320, after 2h flight the FPS drop from initially 40fps to 20FPS, now if I go into developer mode and reload the plane my FPS go straight back up to 40FPS so there is definitely something wrong with high end planes using some special functions (WASM)


wrong, please reread all of the posts for this problem.


wrong, I have a new install of windows 11


Is the live stream recorded and posted? Can’t watch cause I’m at work

Random question but with ProSim A320, do you have working VNAV

Yes. You can watch it afterwards on the official YouTube channel (and probably also on twitch)