After SU10 VR stopped working on most airports

The more I search into this the more weird stuff do I find.
I get a CTD or a hourglass as soon I turn on the VR standing at the apron.

And the CTD is sometimes of Warning: Your graphics device has encountered a problem

A new kind CTD that starts occurring after SU10 with more than 400 posts and independently from what CPU or Gr card you have.

If I continue the flight to one of the default airports VR starts working again, still with a very blurry image. And believe me, I’ve been changing these settings so many times and they do not see to effect this at all.

Something are wrong when the programmers forgot to program the “Global Rendering Quality” so that it’s black/empty. And check the description. It’s a field-reference , a name that you relate to when you’re programming. They just left it there.

I guess replacing the CPU gives no guarantees either.

There must be something here that went wrong. I though admit I didn’t clean the community cataloge when installing. But I guess that must be history now.