Hi. Try this airport, I leave the data in the description of the video. Cheers
Click to watch the video
Hi. Try this airport. Cheers
Click to watch the video
No problems. Not sure what might be going on but I have had none of the issues with ILS that others are talking about. Do you have mods?
Agree on 09L at EGLL, aligned to grass area to right of runway
. Can somebody else try it? I flew short hop out of the new Gatwick Mod to EGLLILS: I flew 8 instrument ILS approaches into EDDM, EDDF, LOWW, LSZH using ILS, VORs and HDG. Only the one in LSZH 14 was off quite a bit, despite no wind. All others were pretty much ok, two a bit right, but okish.
Can someone test LSZH 14 please - maybe the underlying navdata is off.
I have just cmpleted first post patch flight in A320. The aicraft is significantly improved:
- it follows the flightplan more precisely
- ILS is followed on perfectly both n LOC and GS
- display of LOC and G/S is now proper on PFD - blue when armed and green when active
So NO ILS is not broken unless its some TBM autopilot related issue.
There still an open issue that when flightplan in entered in the sim menu and not in the aircraft then ILS frequency may be missing on the MCDu and needs to be entered manually for the APR mode to work.
Considering every post in this thread is specifically referring to the TBM, including all the screen shots and videos, I think that should be obvious.
That means TMB autopilot potentially is broken not the ILS. I’ll give it a go now to check.
I think, if I see my tests and the other tests, that there might be an issue with the underlying navdata or its alignment with the scenery in some locations.
Just flew into RWY11 at LOWW - all good - so AP worked fine.
I’ve been testing with the TBM because one of the OG posts was directly calling that model out. I have had no Issues with the TBM AP and been testing peoples flights on here and not getting any off center ILS issues.
I wonder if it has to do with how people are loading flight plans. Those of you with errors where are you getting your flight plans and how are you loading them? All my tests in this thread that have proved to be fine have been using the world map flight planner. All I do in the aircraft is set my ILS frequency. I fly with NAV until I get the GS green and switch to APR. It takes me right in.
I created my flight plans from scratch in the in-game flight planner.
And again, I do know how to do an ILS landing in game. I’m at over 300 hours in, with well over half of that being in the TBM. And I was going into familiar approaches that I’ve literally landed on pretty much every day for the last couple of months. I’m still stumped as to why it’s not working right.
Like I said, one brought me down about 500m to the left of the runway (into a residential area), and on the other, I wasn’t able to capture the LOC or GS at all,
I’ll be testing that again later when I get home. Hopefully I can at least trace what’s wrong.
I have created these test cases using the in sim flight planner. I’m watching the approach in Navigraph moving maps. In all my cases the aircraft is tracking right down the ILS path as it should.
I’m flying right now the SLVR approach that was highlighted
Try this airport and tell us if everything is going well please. Cheers
Click to watch the video
Tests were all done without any mods.
And no Navigraph data.
Yesterday I upgraded to Navigraph data, after which two attempted ILS approaches to the same EGLL 9L failed to acquire the localiser at all.
haven’t had a chance to fly today yet, but will be doing some more tests later to see if the problem is consistent.
And yes the TBP AP is far too slow at making turns now. It enteres a turn to gradually. Even worse, at the end of an AP turn the plane is almost levelled off with 20deg of turn still to complete and it then takes and age to complete the turn.
Wasn’t like this before.
Additionally, commencing a rate of climb or decent under AP control is far too abrupt, especially capturing a glideslope on approach. The plane lurches in a very ugly way.
With these issues continually coming and going with each release, I do wonder just how much the devs actually know about flying and the requirements for control responsiveness in various situations and phases of flight.
I mean, it takes me just one flight to know if the plane has been screwed or improved by a patch. So how come they can’t test it effectively before release???
I really don’t think their first love is flight dynamics and avionics. They are all about the platform and the environment. Which you might say is OK, but they were the ones who proudly annouced the sim with 40 planes and excellent flight characteristics.
Don’t get me wrong. In many ways the sim is just brilliant, and this latest patch feels the best yet when hand flying manually, but yet again the AP and avionics have suffered in an update.
Hi. I completely agree with your comment, especially when you refer to the internal technical part as a flight simulator, we see many updates but only the great improvements are visual for VFR flights, those of us who like to do IFR flights under extreme conditions I think we should wait a long time to perform a quality flight in terms of precise instrumentation in the cabin, I personally learn to fly with new errors in each update, and each new update arrives is to start learning to fly with more errors, this in real life it would be a catastrophe, hopefully soon they will solve it. Cheers
@ Mooney251 did you remove all mods from your community folder. Only reinstall after mod developers have updated their respective mods to the new version. It’s necessary to do this every time
I see another post saying the A320 has been updated