AI pilot is missing from 2024 or ALT + C does nothing

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  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or 2024:



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  1. Description of the issue:

AI pilot is missing forom 2024

:white_check_mark: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

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every time

:white_check_mark: REPRODUCTION STEPS

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  1. Launch sim
  2. Start flight
  3. ALT + C does nothing

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The AI Piloting feature needs to be added in the new sim; I cannot find it if it’s present. For me, a physically paralyzed avgeek, such a feature was the only way I could fly. I also run a disabled sim pilot virtual airline with friends who also need this feature that was present in the 2020 sim.


I know this isn’t a popular feature but it’s one of the main ones I used and waiting in a queue for 7 hours to finally get in and find it missing is pretty annoying. This may be one of the worst game launch experiences since Diablo 3


Same, the entire flight assistant panel is missing, as well as the ‘travel to’ panel from toolbar, really hope these get added back


they need to add the feature back as soon as possible.


They defo need to add the flight assistant back as my ADHD son love flying with this


I got a refund because I found out the AI ​​Pilot feature wasn’t working, and I will buy it again when it works again.


To be fair, the Ai pilot system for me at least, is quite buggy. It doesn’t move the aircraft unless I hit the throttles. Probably why it got taken out in 24.


So they are obviously going to be adding it then. as when you look in the control options under tools in there it has a control for flight assistant and by default it is alt + 1 but nothing happens

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Yes I want this feature back. Also the Option to have the copilot read the checklists! Now we have a visual Copilot not being any help with the checklists or flight.


Thanks for the support all. I’m a sim pilot with cerebral palsy who relies on this feature when streaming on Twitch, and if this doesn’t get added to 2024 by the time 2020 goes EOL, I’ll have no income because I also get too sick due to immune weakness to have a typical job.


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• AI pilot is critical for those with disabilities because not everyone can get flight gear or use it if they want to fly. Two, even if they can, they may need to leave room for something else 3. They may also be a streamer that may need to focus on stream as well for explaining why this is important or other related issues where AI pilot solves that by focusing on flying with the other systems that need to be managed or just even stepping away for health-related issues each one has different issues these are just some. Even as a person with CP as well, I can fly but also have hand issues sometimes. I’m behind Reia on this issue. People who want to fly should be able to do so no matter what or how.


This is needed to be brought back same with the assistance panel that shows also points of interest and airports close by.

After 24 hours trying to get in to the sim only to find a buggy mess and the icing on the cake is the ai pilot missing, lack of checklist and the assistance panel missing just was really upsetting. I was gutted to say rhe least.

Sometimes since my stroke i find these most helpful and enhances my enjoyment of the sim.



If nothing else they do actually have a checklist, it’s under the aircraft page on the tablet.

True, but it is useless for me

Wish there could just be official confirmation somewhere or not as to whether its an oversight, because the controls still refer to flight assistant panel, it just doesnt open

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Voted this, for sure…
how is possible?
2020, you have an invisible assistant able to do everything
2024, you can give a body, a clothing, a face, a voice to your assistant who can’t do nothing but sitting beside you



I got a response from support,

“The feature is not in MSFS 2024 currently, but it may be added at some point. MSFS 2024 is still currently in active development. We have passed the information along as feedback.”


Fantastic! Hopefully soon! Thank you for sharing and have a good day!

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For me it is the exact opposite. I am on Xbox and I hate this feature. It is automatically enabled when you enter cursor mode and apparently there is no way to disable it. I posted this here:

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