Ai Traffic Needs Fixing Wishlist Thread

I have heard and read about this and offline traffic but I can’t find the post

The trouble is many of these live traffic systems suffer from the same basic flaw, planes randomly appear and disappear based on the transponder being on or off. To me this behaviour kills the realism somewhat.

Wait. Tomorrow you will get an update from Enhanced Live Traffic. I tested it very hard. The transponder should not really the problem. As long as the data’s come from FR24 than you will see it. E.g. in KLAS it’s fascinating. Starts al 45 seconds. And you can see them all. You will have traffic around you at 100 nm and only with 30 to 60 sec. delay. There is no other tool that will show you so much realistic live traffic in the MSFS. Even the small planes in VFR. Test version 3.0 for yourself and give me an response.


Tomorrow update 3.0 of Enhanced Live Traffic will come in…


Sounds great, if it works as well as you say its perked my interest. Will it work with AiG models?

Yes! That was the first reason to make an improvement.


cant believe it. not for free. PSXT ( is working on his tool for ages and the data provider sells his FR24 data for monthly subscription.

Enhanced Live traffic exists since 2021 -and it’s totally free. The update will it be also!

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It does not work with AIG, so it does not improve the traffic

Version 3.0 works with AIG apparently and its not yet available for download.


Wow nice, I am looking forward to test it!

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It does, because we did more than only include the AIG liveries! Now the planes are following the original planes from FR24.


The trouble with this add-on that I doubt if you have been able to address in version 3.0 is that FR24 doesnt track the aircraft well enough to give a smooth experience on the ground. Planes leap about like they are teleporting from one part of an apron to another and for me that’s not something I can live with.

no update yet on

This is not a problem of FR24 data. It is the problem of MSFS SDK. There is no function to let an airplane taxi smoothly on the ground without using the taxi points at the airports. And these points can’t be used if you don’t know the path - which is not possible if you use live data. You only have two types of AI aircraft. ATC and non-ATC. ATC requires a flight plan and non ATC cannot taxi on the ground. They are not controllable. The planes are AI planes, so they fly with their own intelligence. You can give them a starting point and a waypoint to fly to. Speed, altitude and rate of climb depend on the rules you find in the aircraft.cfg file of the selected aircraft and are controlled by the AI logic. We give the AI aircraft a new waypoint every 10 seconds, which the AI aircraft takes as the next point. So the flight will be just an approximation. This works very well in the air. On the ground, we have only one point to position the plane. There is no way to tell the airplane to roll on the ground. But that will be the challenge for the next version. I’m working on finding a solution - but it’s not as easy as it sounds…
But the most important thing is to have the traffic around you. And you will be surprised how well it works. I’m also waiting for the update. I already finished the improvement but the inventor seems to be a bit busy… (Now he told me-update will come tomorrow!)

…and there are some other advantages of ELT. No add-on also maps the GA air traffic of VFR flights. ELT does! All previous add-ons use flight plans and let the aircraft fly according to these plans. This is close to reality, but the plans are at least one year old and do not correspond to reality - for example no delays :wink: And yes, VFR flights have no flight plan and make air traffic much more realistic…

Pleased post message as soon as releases! I am thrilled to test it!

That’s what I’ll do - and I’d be happy to get a response and maybe find ideas for further improvement.


there is a way to tell to roll the airplane on the ground, but it is buged at the moment, already reported to Asobo.

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correct - and I hope they will fix it soon. Then I will include it also!