Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
What aircraft are using that experiences this issue (if relevant)?
Generic AI Traffic Airplanes in MSFS
FSLTL AI Traffic Aircraft
Brief description of the issue:
All aircraft (both default generic AI traffic planes, and FSLTL AI Aircraft) touchdown way too late (about half way down the runway, as opposed to the touch down zone).
Generic AI Traffic airplanes have an unrealistic braking efficacy, and therefore stop before the end of the remaining runway, but FSLTL aircraft, which slow down at more realistic rates sometimes overrun the runway.
FSLTL aircraft also tend to veer of the runway instead of taking a designated taxiway. It’s unclear if this is because of the lower, more realistic braking efficacy.
This issue appears to occur at all airports. I have confirmed it occurs at KLAX and KSFO.
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Go to KLAX, KSFO or some other major airport. Turn on real-time online traffic and wait for an aircraft to land. Note that it floats ~50ft above the runway for about half the runway length before finally touching down.
Are you using DX11 or DX12?
Are you using DLSS?
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Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
Are you using DX11 or DX12?
Are you using DLSS?
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video: