AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Its a bit sad there is almost no flying airplanes on route. The Airports are full of planes but the Sky is empty. I got 24 GB of downloaded Airlines and Planes, so thats good i think.

Or am i missing a setting somewhere?

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It takes a little while ,the air traffic started!

I just installed Aerosoft EBBR and have AIG running at 100%. However, I cant see any heavies at the airport, it has plenty of 320, one or two 220 and some embrarers.

The trailer had a good deal of them, any pointers will be quiet helpful. @Kaiii3

Same for me, Airports are full of planes but if you are in the air it is very emtpy. Maybe it has something to do that planes are only loaded into if you are near an airport.

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is Aerosoft using AIGTC traffic for the trailer? Have you checked the airport data? I bet missing spots are the issue…

report with the TC logs over at the forum. So we can check why you have no enroute traffic.

I assumed but then I may be wrong. 777 and other aircraft in the trailer that aren’t there in SimpleTraffic led to this assumption.

How can I check the airport data?

Could you tell me where can I create this log file? Thanks in advance.

I think i found them. They are literaly in the Traffic_Manager Folder with the name Log_Trafficcontroller…txt
But there are a few, dont know wich one is important for @Kaiii3

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How do I check the airport data?

Just did a Fantastic Flight FBW Fs2crew all addons, PF3, using AIG from LEMG to EGCC…was so immersive especially being vectored into runway 5R no 3 for landing.

Love it, and hearing ATC chatter with other airlines. Love this addon


I tried now 100% (normally I am good with 75%) and it is a very huge difference. A lot more traffic ( I cant believe it was just the 25%) and in the air. With 75% empty air and just on the ground, wirh 100% no difference on the ground but in the air. I loose some power with 100% but I think I will stay as it is al lot more realistic.

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yea, if the sim happens to work as intended its a real blast isnt it
that should not sound cynical but most of the time something goes (is) wrong especially if we talk about atc lol

But i am missing the big ones. I started today in Abu Dhabi, there should be some Qatar or Etihad A380. But there was’nt. Just only the “normal planes”.

since these airports do not support A380 in MSFS… the spots are to small :frowning:

Oh ok, thanks for the info.

I have only seen A380’s at EGCC and LEBL both payware airports
Regarding traffic in the air it’s so lively I think that ATC are constantly talking that it’s difficult to get to speak to ATC , this is at 90%

I was thinking of going lower to say 75% but I think there might be a big drop of traffic in the sky as suggested, will have to experiment

90% is good though and I get less go arounds but at some airports that’s still too much , so trying to look for the sweet spot

All Traffic in One

  1. Sim issue → restart your flight
  2. Dev Mode → disable AI while in scenery editor
  3. Airport issue → contact dev

In all honesty it is pretty accurate that you can’t get a word in edge-ways in some FIRs. There are some controllers that are so busy I often give up and wait for them to call us because all you end up doing is stepping on people and making the whole thing more painful.

Sadly that’s a feature that MSFS can’t simulate!