Airbus A310-300

[quote=“jimimac5947, post:1255, topic:554990”]
I have been trying to set up the velocity one reverse thrust for the last couple of hours
I’m not sure if this will help (because I’m using a Honeycomb Bravo) but check my post above – I think it is post # 1057 – regarding sensitivity settings (Neutral and Dead Zone) with screen shots.
Sorry if this isn’t your issue, but what you describe happening in the cockpit resembles the problem I was having.

How do I manually tune in a NAV frequency in the center pedestal next to the ILS rotating knob? The middle ILS knob ist working fine, but the NAV knobs do nothing.

I know I can tune a frequency in the FMC, but cannot select a course there.

Many thanks!

Look forward, on the dash just below the Flight director switch. VOR/NAV/ILS. Flip it up to VOR, and the center console VOR tune comes alive.


This is a great plane! FOR SURE the best out of the free planes; blows the A320 neo and 747 out of the water. Definitely on par with the FBW project (IMO) once some of the performance issues are ironed out.

My sim doesnt run any plane particularly well. A310 ran badly for me until I loaded it up a few times and rebooted afterwards; then I had decent FPS (about the same performance as the Fenix A320).
This will definitely be one of my regulars going forward I think :slight_smile:

Note: I will say that it has my favorite looking flightdeck in terms of the unique lighting and screens etc


Wow, that’s easy. Many thanks!

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Gave that a try but still doesnt work,until a fix comes out I will just have to use the f1and f2 keyboard buttons, thanks

Is there an ETA on the Wasm fps fix?


I just hope you haven’t run into an underwater mine like PMDG did when trying to release the DC6 on XBox. WASM seems to be a tricky beast for MSFS.

Interestingly the MSFS zendesk Known Issues page has a few A310 bugs listed, but no mention of wasm bug. I have hope though. Seems like there are a lot of other SU11 bugs. Maybe a hotfix in next week or two? SU12 seems too far away, and at this stage would largely be SU11 bug fixes if they are not addressed now.

The release of the update relies on Asobo releasing a hotfix/patch, so I don’t think Ini can provide you with an ETA

I’m also guessing that by the number of silly SU11 bugs that I have personally found, coupled with the list on the official zendesk thread (see below), the patch if there is one could be a while yet as I am assuming Asobo will want to hit most SU11 related quick fix bugs whilst minimising the hotfixes required to do so.

Ells you said patch is coming soon. Will that one also resolve the WASM Bug you mentioned, cause I still cant load that Plane.

If I may utter wish to the developers, maybe you could consider making intenio lights presets saveable and loadable via the EFB.
I fly a lot at night o during dusk and dawn and it’s really a lot of work to pan around the cockpit to adjust all the various light settings constantly.

The FBWhas this wonderful option in it’s EFB (exp. banch) if you may want to look at what I mean :slight_smile:

Other than that, my printed copy of the 80 page manual will arrive soon from the online print shop and I have set up most of the controls on my X-Touch Imni and the Throttle & Flightstick.

Soon I can do some moe serious flying with this aircraft.

cheers !

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i use simbrief/navigraph but i dont have the monthly subscription, so i have to use outdated airac-cycles
with the a310 i am able to upload my flight-plan i generate with simbrief to the sim (xbox), the a310 shows me the correct flight-plan on the aircraft display, but how can i “import” the simbrief flight-plan to the sim vfr map pop up ? the vfr map only shows me a different flight-plan i choosed from the world map of the sim before starting the flight

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That seems to explain why (many) navigraph subscribers could not load the simbrief flight plan through the FMC right now and inibuild surggest to unload navigraph temporarly.

So is there a way to obtain up to date but free service or is it always going to mess up on the FMC?

I wouldn’t use it enough to warrant paying, but occasionally I’d like to do more than basic point to point navigation.

If use use the free (MSFS) database you will have likely some problems when importing “old” meaning free AIRAC based flightplans.

So, as per a tutorial i just tried, if i select start and end airport, High Altitude IFR, and manually input to FMC both the VFR Map and FMC will be matched. And it will be to up yo date Airac data

Had an epic flight last night in this beauty in glorious Virtual Reality from Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok as THA1202. Cold and dark using flows got the aircraft set up and ready to go with zero issues. The EFB is fantastic for VR use, by the way!! And every switch, knob, dial, etc. that (save a few that aren’t really needed or modeled) work in VR. And, honestly, this aircraft is smoother in VR than many other - on par with the PMDG NGs. I don’t really track FPS in VR - all about how smooth the experience is. And I can tell you that in this aircraft, head movements produce no stuttering at all!

Back to our story…

Had everything fully set up and started. Taxied out and noticed the trees along the side of the airport were pretty much bent in half. Brushed it off as probably some graphics bug with MSFS and we continued on our merry way, lined up, spooled up and took off. Beautiful departure… and then we were hit with what could only be described as a tornado/typhoon/hurricane combination all at once. We spiraled out of control and all 220 souls on board were lost as we metal-plated the ground off the departure end of the runway.

Obviously this had nothing to do with this great aircraft! Silly MSFS weather (I posted a clip of it over in the post entitled Turbulence – excessive or real world realistic). Was able to use the EFB setting for quick start of the aircraft and got things configured again. This time I turned off live weather. :rofl: The flight was amazing! We had a chance to look at the virtual cabin on a VR walkthrough tour which I have never done in the other aircraft in MSFS. Very very nice and I think I’ll hang out back there on longer-haul virtual flights.

The only issue I had - and I’d like the opinions of those who know more about this amazing plane than I - is when vectoring myself to the IAF to start the ILS approach to 01R into Bangkok. I had 3000’ set in the Altitude window… speed window was open with 183kts set. LVL Change was selected. HDG SEL was selected. FMA showed SPD and HDG/S. Unfortunately, I was paying a bit too much attention to the virtual chat (we were having a good time and I got distracted :rofl: ) and failed to notice the sea was getting bigger and bigger in the windscreen… Got the gear warning and sink rate warning and probably a bunch of other warnings at that point. Was able to disconnect the automation and save the aircraft. One thing we noticed while chatting in the discord after watching the replay back a few times is there was no vertical mode annunciated on the FMA… should there have been one given the description of how I had things configured?

Climbed back up to 3000’, got the automation reset and was able to perform a very nice ILS approach. Airplane flew the approach beautifully and hand flying after disconnecting AP around 1000’ was a pure joy.

Sorry for the long post. It was just such an amazingly fun flight in VR, I had to share. Serious thanks to the development team who brought us this work of art and engineering! If it wasn’t late last night, I would have loaded in somewhere else and done another flight. I’m afraid the other aircraft in the virtual hangar will be collecting a bit of dust for the short term while this one gets many more hours put on the engines and cycles put on the airframe :rofl:

Per the forum rules, I won’t post the link to this video unless the original poster @Jummivana says it is ok to do so. Otherwise, if you want to take a look at how amazing this airplane is in VR (or if you think you can help me troubleshoot that one minor excursion I experienced), feel free to send me a direct message and I’ll share the link with you.



As a XBOX simmer first I want to thank the developer for this fantastic Aircraft that runs well on console. For me the A310 is the bright spot in a SU11 that has otherwise wrecked the experience with dumbed down graphics. I have experience two issues so far while flying the A310. One is that for some reason when I take off the aircraft looses its stability and starts bumping up and down the runway… Sometime I can recover that but it is most unusual and the only aircraft that does that. The only assist I had on was CONTROLLER SENSITIVITY that I have since turned off as on a previous post you mentioned it might affect auto-pilot…I use a Hotas One yoke for reference. The other issue I have had is not being able to turn the auto-break buttons before landing. Also one question. I have learnt cold and dark start but if one starts with the aircraft ‘ready’ using the EFB option does one still need to fill in the EFP weights, fuel and so on? What about the FMC Init pages? Of course I would enter Flight plan. Many thanks to Inibuilds!

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