Airbus A320v2 Route Planner


Does anyone know if there are plans for Inibuilds to allow routes to be made in the default MSFS planner? Being a very casual user of MSFS and with not much time free to play, I am not a fan of setting up a route on SimBrief and then inputting it in the plane etc.

If this has been asked before, I apologise. I tried to do a search beforehand.


Here’s one thread:

Edit: The A320 V2 is a bit more complex than the default A320 so unless you have a good memory or make good notes it might not be the best choice for:

I’m aware the V2 is more detailed. I will stick with the LVFR A32X family then as like I say, I only have enough time to do an hour of flying before I have to log off and go deal with real life stuff.


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Maybe I’m misunderstanding your question—I use the world map for flight planning every day with the A320neo V2. You do have to enter each waypoint into the FMC, but that is not uncomment in this sim. Be aware that you can delete un-needed waypoints on the world map.

After I create a plan in the world map I open SimBrief, copy (type) my plan there (As I do not have a Navigraph subscriptions I can not allow Navigrapf create a plan for me as it will use an old AIRAC that do not correspond the current AIRAC of the Sim), generate the flight there and then load it via EFB. You only have to select the correct plane’s profile and number of your pax and so on - it will take you 20-30 minutes to understand how Simbrief works. Or create your plan in the world map and put it manually into MCDU. There are a lot of videos and tutorials, just dedicate them 1 hour.

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Frustrating bit about the V2, if you create the plan in the world map then manually make entries into the MCDU while parked at a gate ON APU or GPU, then once pushed back and start engines the entire plan is deleted and all must be re-entered into the MCDU.

This does not happen to me.