How do I get a World Map flight plan into the A320 V2

I was very excited to see another version of the A320. However, when creates flight plan in the world map it doesn’t appear to translate over to the aircraft. Is there something I am doing wrong? I have seen some posts about Simbrief, but this seems to be a paid subscription add on. Is there a way to incorporate a flight plan from the in-simulator world map? Any guidance appreciated.

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but these ‘study level’ planes need to have the flight plan correctly inputted when you’re in the cockpit during start up. ie the proper way.


That’s good to know if that’s the case and something that I can do. It would have been good if this was made clear. I was just planning on “jumping in the seat”to have a playground, but will devote some more time and planning if that’s what’s needed. Cheers

Hi there. Simbrief is completely free! You don’t have to pay anything to use it and you can import your flight plan directly into the plane.

Look in google for tutorials on how to create an account and how to use it, even in Simbrief/Navigraph webpage I think they have tutorials.

Don’t ask me as I did it a long time ago and I cant remember.

Its a great tool as it creates flight plans close to the real world and fuel required, etc etc. And yesterday they introduced a tool to calculate the takeoff/landing performance… also free.


The flight planning in SimBrief is free, but they offer additional features through a paid subscription.
I never understood the reason behind removing the option to import a plan from the world map. I mean if you wanna use SimBrief and be realistic you can, but the freedom of choice shouldn’t have been taken away. It makes it harder for those who like to just spawn on the runway and go. Well I guess you gotta stick to the original Asobo version for that.


The proper way, is the pilot doesnt “Plan” at all. Everything is given to him before flight, and the FMC is already programmed with corporate routes


especially for a MS released aircraft. it wont even support its own Flightplanner.


Thanks. I have always been a Little Nav Map user for GA stuff. Here’s to expanding my horizons!


Use LNM and export directly into Simbrief. Then select Simbrief plan in the cockpit. Easy Peesie!

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Also - Unless I am missing something - STARS, SIDS and Runways will have to be entered in the FMC manually as well - from what I saw only the main route goes in from simbrief. There is also much more setup required speed and weight wise before its really ready to fly. Much more realistic but also requires more time to setup and fly.

Oh well if we’re taking things that seriously then the ‘proper’ way to fly the airliner is to sit back and drink (bad) coffee and crack jokes with the flight attendants and look forward to hitting the beach when we reach our destination. :wink:

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I planned a flight with simbrief and connected the tablet (A320NEO V2) to my pilot id required to integrate the tablet functions with the aircraft
Once the planned flight has been loaded into the tablet, I am missing some steeps, in the MCDU F-PLAN button there is no flight plan, what do I know?

You need to select the INIT button on the MCDU and from there you can request the fightplan.

You also need to enter your SimBrief ID into the MCDU for this to work.

yes, I think I followed the instructions, I tried again, maybe my procedure is incomplete, it doesn’t work
these are the MCDU screens after pressing INIT, the second screen is that of the tablet (forgive my term) where I entered my pilot ID
what am I doing wrong ?

Screenshot MCDU

can xbox peeps use simbrief?

You need enter your SimBrief user ID in two places. You’ve done the EFB, now you need to add it to the MCDU.

Press ‘MCDU MENU’. One of the hotkeys is now labelled ‘ATSU’. Press the hotkey & on the next screen you will see where you need to enter your SimBrief ID. Use the numeric keypad then hit the hotkey to enter.

Now return to the INIT page and you will see a new option underneath FROM/TO (top right) where you can import your flight plan.

There is still plenty more you will need to do however…

It’s definitely worth reading the manual for this aircraft. IIRC there’s a link at the top of the A320 v2 thread. It’s easy to follow, not too long, and there is stuff in there that you are going to need to know and would take a long time to figure out by trial & error.

Yep. It works in the new A320 v2. I get the impression it is poorly supported on the Xbox in general, but it works (partially) in the IniBuilds A320 at least.

I can’t personally get it to sync with the EFB, but it imports flight plans to the MCDU just fine. (See my previous post!)

I’m afraid I have to disagree with you on this point.

SimBrief has worked perfectly well for me in the A320 V2 with in excess of 50 flights throughout the beta and now into its launch.

I have found most issues following release have been user error and can easily be resolved with a little help.

May I ask what issues you are experiencing that you have not been able to resolve?

Have you used the EFB Onscreen Keyboard? It’s the only one that works for entering the Simbrief Pilot ID on Xbox:

Dismiss the Xbox one and it should then show. If not make sure its enabled:

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Thanks to your help !!! I now see the flight plan loaded in the MCDU
Do I have to enter the pilot ID for every flight?
I’m going to read the manual, I looked in the threeds, is this it?