Airbus A32NX StreamDeck Flight Panels

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve sent a bit of time creating General, Electrical, WX Radar, ATC/TCAS, ECAM, Communications & Fire Panels for the Stream Deck XL and FlyByWire A32NX. I’ve attached a couple of screenshots, what do you think?


Looks great! Makes me want to get one. I have the Stream Deck MK2, which is the 15 key one. I also have the LoupeDeck, but that’s a work in progress. I do use my StreamDeck more often than the LoupeDeck.

There really isn’t a good profile for the LoupeDeck and it has no built in Simconnect, so you can’t assign thing to it, but eventually they get out of sync and when trying to turn something on, it turns it off.

I’m sure that with time it will mature, but at this point, I think that Stream Deck is the way to go.

Looks great. You building it for Spad.Next or Lordy’s AO?

Currently using the Pilotdeck plugin for the Stream Deck, which uses FSUIPC. Finished building the 7th and final screen last night, using ~230 images. Definitely makes it a bit more immersive!

Wow, looks great! Curious if you’ve found a solution to the syncing of the different icons for “on” or “off”. They don’t seem to sync to the sim and I have to go through and ensure it’s correct as part of my preflight checks.

Looking good. Some inspiration for A32NX Stream Deck profiles to be found on Fsto:

This stuff is all really nice.

Just a shame all these different panels are being build for different platforms. Wish there was an easy way to migrate between Spad.Next, Lorbys, and FSUIPC plug in.

I most use SN but looks like a lot has been create for AO.

As I’m using Pilotdeck/FSUIPC, every single button is fully synchronised, using various controls, LVARS & LuaScript. The green lines on the overhead panel for example, only light up once the aircraft is powered :blush:

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Ah, I think this is the missing link for me. I’ll have to check this out. Thanks!

I have a Stream Deck + currently and a MKII on order. You’re making me reconsider the MKII and go with the XL. I’ve thought it to be overkill, until now. Do you use it for anything else?

Are you going to make your buttons available for purchase?

The XL is definitely worth the investment. I have two XLs and a Plus configured for the A32NX and they’re incredible.

7 Panels are now available with one more on the way. I don’t believe I can share the link here, so it’s worth having a look through the FS2020 subreddit!

This is a great do you have this for sale or available for the community?

We now have over 80+ Autopilot, Aircraft & Camera profiles available for purchase on our website ( :blush: