Aircraft developers (SimWorks, MilViz, Aerosoft) being criticized for realistic flight simulation

It could easily be an excuse for the to work more, and invest more money and resources.

See what I did there? Took zero evidence and made something up that is entirely speculative and has no basis in fact or inside knowledge.

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Abriael If your friends cant take heat then can they can go somewhere else, dont write of people because of a few and that’s what you are doing…Grow up!. This forum has become one of the most opinionated, uniformed, toxic forums I have ever seen. You are just repeating what you say you hate. Anyway as I’ve said, I dont care, me personally I want realism, I cant do VOR DME approach in MSFS at the moment in an Airliner, but as you point out, you get bounced around like a super ball for flying over a cliff with a little wind. It is what it is… What I am looking for may not be what others want! but none of us are entitled to any of it, It carried the name SIMULATOR I kind of expect that it continues to grow as one and stay as one.

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Yes, it definitely is. Fly straight and level with the 152 at 90kts and simply jank the yoke fully aft…the 152 will do a nice loop at a way too low airspeed without stalling.

Have you experienced a stall/spin in any MSFS aircraft when yanking the stick fully aft in a steep turn?
I haven’t.

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You are not wrong. This thread is joining my muted list - which is a shame because before we got dragged into nonsense, it was actually an interesting discussion topic.

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Oh yeah. That’s a great attitude not to have a fossilized hobby based on a dwindling niche of self-elected elites with third-party developers that go out of business at a rate of multiple every month because they can’t put food on the table.

You mean those things you can do in every simulator ever (and worse) in default aircraft?

It seems to me that some who think obsolete flight sims have such superior flight models haven’t flown default aircraft in them for a long, long time.

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You are missing the point. It’s not about what the aircraft or the flight model maybe ‘could’ deliver, it’s about what you get and that’s a very forgiving ‘easy’ flight model.

Which is exactly the same on default aircraft i other sims.

What are you talking about? Why are 3rd party devs going out of business. You are doing a good job of this yourself are you not? You keep putting down every other sim and making up lies about how MSFS is the best., What about the developers of P3D/XPLANE.

Your problem is you are one those you describe. Calm down, nobody cares. Stop shilling for MSFS we are more than capable of making up our own minds.

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Can we please not drag a discussion I started into off-topic subject of how good/bad Asobo is? Please? I am genuinely asking. I feel that this discussion is worth having but at this point it has deteriorated into the abyss of nonsense and some personal attacks. I am not a moderator, but I did start this thread. So I am just asking nicely to veer it back to discussion of third party aircraft.


Do you realize that you are comparing apples and oranges?

So basically countering your (weak) arguments is “shilling”?

I’m talking about third-party developers. The developers of P3D and X-plane are among the culprits of keeping this hobby as niche and unwelcoming as possible.

No. Simply showing you that you can do the same crap with default aircraft in other sims that you think are soooo realistic out of the box.

That would be great, but this thread went way too far OT in the meantime and too personal I’m afraid :frowning:


Sorry but apparently you don’t know much about flight models and realism.

That’s usually what people say when they don’t have an argument.

If that’s your opinion, I couldn’t care less.

Please? Can we not stop bickering for one &$&@;$ second?

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Wilco :slight_smile: I’ve finished bickering, promised.

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It’d be nice, if we could have a discussion without having the usual suspects using that discussion (or any discussion, really) as the usual excuse to bash this simulator and its developers.

Notice how you made a thread about third-party developers, and it somehow became about Asobo and Xbox, the bane of all things simulation (according to some).

If one of the moderators feels like locking this circus, I won’t mind. This has gone off the deep end.


Well, the problem is that while it’s easy to ignore what 3rd party developers are doing by simply not buying their products if you don’t agree with their methods or simply don’t like them, it’s not so easy to ignore if Asobo starts doing it. There aren’t any clear indications that they will do it, but there are some hints that they might. So… i guess from that point of view it’s still on topic, i suppose. But yeah, all the “FS2020 is the best ever!!!” nonsense is completely off topic.