Aircraft Manager Pro + Location Manager Pro now available

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No , it’s not possible to cold and dark start from the map anywhere due to multiple sim limitations, as I explained in the video, and elaborated on in this thread (custom waypoint altitude issue, Map mode missing hooks): Today's Dev Q&A - Cold and Dark Starts in the Water....? - #5 by Sonicviz

But with a small process that is not a huge time overhead you can quickly get to where you want to in fly mode and start anywhere cold there, which is what Location Manager offers you, as I also briefly explained here: Aircraft Manager Pro + Location Manager Pro now available - #105 by Sonicviz

We go with what we have, not with what we would like to have. I’m quite clear on the project site and in the video that Location Manager “Start Anywhere” involves a small process of location saving, and triggering that from within Fly mode.

And now we have something we didn’t have before, plus it does other location and teleport related things that are useful. Starting cold is only one use case among many potential flight use cases with locations that Location Manager caters for.

Works for me, so I have to say it has potential right now, not just in the future.

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