Aircraft spawning on the runway. Annoying?

I appreciate that not all users want to start from cold and dark at a parking spot or stand, but…

The Sim gives the default option of spawning on the runway ready to fly unless you zoom in further on the planner to choose a position elsewhere on the airfield.
The problem with this is that at any time you can find aircraft seemingly parked on the runway as an immovable obstruction, even though ATC has given you clearance to take off.

I’m sure I’ve annoyed a number of A320 Captains by taxiing around them and taking off as cleared.

I’m assuming users are spawning on the runway and then going through checks which should be completed before entering the runway, even though ATC has given them takeoff clearance.



Yes, it’s annoying and should be removed as an option. Like requested in this thread:

Request: Make it impossible to spawn on runway in LIVE mode - Self-Service / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


No need to taxi around.
Just taxi through them - they will vanish once you get close enough.
Once you have passed them, they will reappear.


As @judgedrebb said, vote for it in the wishlist.

The vote is for “Live” mode - this should be the mode used by (and reserved for) the more experienced users/pilots doing a full flight. If you’re trying to do things by the book, you should use this. As it says in the sim, this is for pilots wanting a more authentic experience. Perhaps it should be that you have to get a licence by completing the training befiore you’re even allowed to use this mode.

The “All Players” mode can then be used by novices, or users on a non-serious/experimental flight. Anyone in this mode must accept that many users will do silly, impolite or even impossible things.

I must admit, while I normally like to start at the gates, if I want to try something out I often spawn on the runway, and then may take a few minutes setting things up. This is never in Live mode. And, of course, I often see planes landing in both directions, or careering off the runway etc. Adds to the fun.


Immersion, though.

While this is a nice option to ask for, it does nothing to stop a user from taxiing on to the runway from parking, or from holding short, then sitting in the middle of the runway to run their checks.

It’s the same for any MP scenario, and we must deal with other users behaviour, or go out of our way to avoid that scenario.

The solution is simple, really. Turn off MP and the problem is solved. Unless you’re actually participating in MP events or flying on Vatsim or with other live ATC services, MP is pointless.

Due to any lack of interaction with other players by yourself or your local instance of ATC, real players serve absolutely zero purpose except to slow down your performance and to cause annoyances bu spawning on runways, cutting you off, etc. Now that Real Time Online traffic is actually working again, there’s plenty of other traffic in the skies anyway. Those “uncontrolled” real players add absolutely zero value to your flying session.


I don’t know, I enjoy spotting the odd forum member here, and there.

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Sorry but now we just being elitist here. This has nothing to do with immersion or reality. You are asking that there be an expert mode reserved for ONLY the select few (by comparison) that want to sim, “By The Numbers”. We already have that. There is a switch to turn off ALL other players. It’s the big X. No other players unless they are part of your group. Then you are free to fly your private skys.


It’s not elitist, it’s common sense. Whatever hobby you follow, you normally mix with people of roughly the same ability, or just a bit better (so you can learn from them). This is not normally called elitism.

As I say, I have never used Live Mode as I am still learning (though I’ve used flight sims for many years), and would only be a nuisance. At the moment I hope everyone else in a similar situation does likewise.

Note that the suggestion of a licence was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it would be closer to Real Life!

you realize you can fly right through other player aircraft, correct?
if this is bothering you, then turn off MP. you’ll likely even gain some framerates in doing so.

On the other hand, pilots who want to spawn on the runway could also go to “private skies” if they want to screw around on the runway. If they want to screw around together with others - well, there’s group mode at hand.

`What’s the point of having live traffic if you’re not willing to “play along” and follow at least some of the live rules?

“Oh wow, look - a real world flight. Let’s try and crash into it”?

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Live Traffic and Live Players are two different settings.
Just turn off Live Players and you will never see them even if they see you and try to crash into you.

Yes. But why don’t the other guys turn theirs off?

It doesn’t make any difference to you. If you have yours set to group only then only those you invite to your group will be visible. Any other live users will have NO effect on your experience, no matter what their setting is. You will still have Real Time Live Traffic if you have that option turned on as well as AI Traffic if you choose, but NO other players will appear. You now have your “Private Mode”.
If you have Live Players on then you will see all other players that have the same settings as you.

This discussion is pointless the way you’re having it.

My argument is: if you’re in an environment with other players stick to some basic rules.
Your argument is: just turn it off lol

So, again: what would the people that like to spawn on the runway and/or screw around in the skies need a live player environment for?

They can just turn it off and never bother any other pilot again.

Let me put it another way: if you’re playing an FPS game on a multiplayer server you stick to the rules of the multiplayer server. Otherwise you may not play on the server. You don’t tell other players “lol just go singleplayer and never see me again”.


I’ve found it most annoying on some group flights, where they might be 30 or more people in the group. The folks in TBM’s rush ahead to land at the next stop, then taxi back to the threshold, and just sit there. :triumph:

This doesn’t sound like the end of the world, but if you have the name tags on it’s like you’re on short final to some messed up game of Scrabble!

I’d almost call this abusive behavior considering that there’s basically an dedicated option for groups.


If I am playing COD, I can guarantee that if I had an option to block out the morons that are NOT following the rules (and should be banned) I would use that tool. We will always have children (of all ages) that don’t want to follow the rules and think it is fun to mess with others experience. That will not change.

I for one will utilize the tools we have to ignore those people. It doesn’t detract from my experience. In fact it enhances it because if you and I are both flying “by the rules” and are arriving at an airport at the same time. ATC does not maintain our separation. ‘My’ ATC ONLY deals with the Real Time Live Traffic and my aircraft. ‘Your’ ATC is the same. We can both be cleared to the approach at the same time. Hardly real. If I only have Live Traffic visible I will never know that we both were on short final at the same time.


Yeah and to implement those rules is basically the point of the whole discussion.

The issues of ATC are a completely different topic, I’m afraid. At least ATC had the awareness to have me go around due to traffic on several occasions.