Aircrafts from SAGQ : Canadair CL-215T and Canso PBY-5A

First, two versions of this site are online, a French version for French speakers and an English version for others.
In these conditions, why do you advise to go and consult the French page since you are English-speaking?
Secondly, there is a Home page that gives a lot of information but most users :sunglasses:

  • go directly to the download page,
  • create an account on the site: which is absolutely not required (see the Home page) and
  • do not read the yellow highlighted lines that are just above the links.

A fortiori, reading this information in French or via a Google-like translator can change the account/password that is supposed to protect against hotlinks and lead you to errors.

So take the trouble to read before anything else :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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