Aircrafts from SAGQ : Canadair CL-215T and Canso PBY-5A

Yes, it juste to try and see if the problem for some people can be solved.

I work on this plane since last year and launch MSFS more than 20 times each day to test my modifications and never I had this trouble.
Only three users has this trouble on 1231 users !


Very plaisant screenshots from Mirabel - CYMX. Theses Canadairs are theses of JP Fillion (Québec) a friend of mine and a very sympatic man !

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hello I’m having some troubles with the gauges, the attitude indicator tells me that I am banking slightly right but the aircraft is flat and on the ground, and, the raise lower floats, gear, throttle, trim and mixture levers are not interactable, additionally the aircraft can start while having fuel pumps off,
thanks for any help

On my website, in very big red letters it says Work In Progress, which means that this addon is not yet finished and that the versions that are published are provisional versions of the current state. This aircraft isn’t finish as it is in v0.7.9. For me an addon is finish when its version is equal to v1.0.

By the way, there is a ChangeLog and everything that is being done or corrected is duly specified in English and French.

But thanks again for your encouragement, it really makes me want to share the hours of work I put into this addon for free.

Yes, the attitude indicator gauge needs to be revised because keyframes number is incorrect, the horizontal state is exactly between keyframe 14 and 15 which makes it switch directly without going through the 14.5 state.

the raise lower floats, gear, throttle, trim and mixture levers are not interactable, additionally the aircraft can start while having fuel pumps off …

Sorry, but lower floats can be actionned via spoilers shortkey (do you have read the documentation ?), gear and throttle are interactable (read the doc.).
Trim are interactable via the two red levers above the pilot. Only the external part isn’t animated but levers inside the cockpit are !

Currently, mixture isn’t implemented in v0.7.9 but in the v0.8:yes. For fuel pumps management, XML code is moving: I use my own L: vars to manage a lot of things and when theses L: vars are modificated, it should be necessary to change also the A: vars. This step is Work In Progess.

In the next days, I am ready to release a v.8.0 with a lot of modifications (pitch/blades commands, exterior trims animations, interiors for two model, etc) but it will be not the last version that I will release this year.



Some news from this project, on which I have works even during hot days.
It represents the status of the WIP version that will soon be released as v0.8

On the Blisters version, boarding via the rear of the fuselage

Last work on the VC and the fire panel :

Emergency manual pump for hydraulic circuit and a “hole” in the cockpit to see if the front gear is “in” or “out” :

On the Water Bomber version I have finish the structure of the aircraft and the mechanics for opening the tanks :

The same view but on Blisters version :

Fully modelled APU with control knob and voltage monitoring gauge - function not currently coded in XML

On the Water bomber, APU and probe/scoop to collect water :

Last section on the Water bomber

The sunroof or sunday on Blisters version:

With this all 3D modelisation has been made, then I commute on painting …


For enjoyment :


Thanks for theses videos, much appreciated … As far as documentation is concerned, I have already had this in stock on my disks for many years. My documentation is about 1.3 Go of PDF, images, viideos and so on.
As for C-FNJE, I have the advantage of being in direct contact with Doug Roy who manage the Canadian Saving The Canso team ( and he frequently sends me photos of points that cause me problems.
For the C-FPQK, I was able to contact Michel Doré who piloted it a few years ago and one of my Quebecois friends in Montreal is the relay between us.

I just finish to package my v0.8 version and it will be uploaded as soon as possible.

This version isn’t the last, This is a snapshot from my developments, but it contains 95% of the elements I wanted to model.
As for the textures, they are quite basic, they are just textures that allow me to better understand the 3D during my work. Some are more worked (PBR) when it is about small parts or tests.

The next stage of development will be mainly focused on :

  • the final textures, all mapping and textures will be rework (PBR and paintkit)
  • the improvement of the existing XML code because there are some bugs that are still present and some functions that I need to finish coding.
  • the management of the internal cockpit lights: the buttons are already animated but I’ll want to write the code in the presence of the final textures to only make one pass on this issue.

Known bug:

  • the attitude indicator is incorrect, in horizontal flight, the displayed artificial horizon leans to the left, the problem is known, isolated and being fixed.

Once version 1.0 is released, my aim is to continue my developments by incorporating a “damage mode” (a light accufeel) from the one I wrote for the C-150 Tibush (FSX/P3D).


The release v0.8.0 is ready to download.

This one has 10 repaints:

  • SAGQ C-FPQK n°712 (Quebec)
  • Northwest Territories Canada C-FNJE n°712
  • 1S5 Aeronavale version
  • C-FCRR Air France version
  • C-FCRR Okavanga version
  • ICONA EC-FMC Hispanic version of Water Bomber
  • F-ZBAR French Protection Civil (1965)
  • N9767 Bertaud-Belieu
  • N427 CV US version restaured in South Africa
  • G-PBYA Miss Pick Up

Hello, it is looking fantastic, I notice that there is a lot of smoke in the engine exhausts and it causes a drop in fps from 12 to 15 fps, otherwise it is doing a great job. Thank you

Merci beaucoup Lagaffe

Really good.
In addition we can now open windows and roof!
Oui, Merci beaucoup.

And a lot of things more … wipers (2 speeds), internals doors, externals cargo, doors and blisters.

I have a lot of ideas to increase immersion !

PS: a lot of smoke is accuring when you change of aircraft during the flight (you have also to start yours motors) but when you start normally on the runway, you don’t have this annoyance. For me, it’s a Asobo bug.


This is a great website for our very own kiwi catalina

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New version’s looking great, Didier!


Thanks for the link: it is a beautiful Catalina. I wil try to add this ZK-PBY as a new repaint.
If I’m not mistaken, the Aeronavale livery supplied was one of the old ZK-PBY livery (in 2005, I think)

May I kindly ask where this beauty can be downloaded? Thank you very much.

In the MSFS natives aircraft section :

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Thank you very much

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Water landed on “Retenue du Dorlay” near LFHG :


It’s strange, but I downloaded V.0.8.0 from French-VFR, deleted the old folder in my Community folder, copied over the new folder from the ZIP file, loaded up MS Flight Sim, and now I can no longer find the PBY Canso in my airplane library. I verified that all of the files moved successfully from the ZIP file, and I’ve reloaded the game several times, but I’m no longer seeing the PBY in the list.

Has anyone else seen this?

Otherwise, thanks so much, Lagaffe, for all your work on the PBY. It’s looking fantastic!