Do you have a conflict in the Content .txt file ? Directory files differents perhaps ?
This Content.xml list all the addons declared in your Community folder. If you delete the old directory, in Community, this directory name stay in the Content.xml so you need to remove it and enter the new one if the names aure differents
Just a very small issue I’ve found while in Cold & Dark, with engines not running to better listen, when closing doors, we still hearing the closing sound in a loop, even if the doors are properly closed. Not a big problem, as I’ve found switching from Cold & Dark to Ready for Park will stop this, as transitioning to another state.
Are there any pilot notes anywhere for this? I am not familiar with the nav/autopilot systems in this aircraft, I usually fly with Garmin G1000Nxi. I had an ILS approach dialled in, selected APR when lined up and it auto switched from GPS to VLOC, but the aircraft continued to descent below the glidepath and I had to go manual. I expect I did something wrong.
Whoaoouh, very very nice shots for the ICONA : I like it ! Beautiful !
If you speak of the version with a front turret, sorry but I don’t like it.
I have possibly an other evolution for a 6A as the Calypso Canso of Cousteau team but it is the only upgrade that I would make.
You have some chance because a black livery had existed for a VH-PBZ. HARS (October 29, 2004). After that it was restaured and then it adopt the front turret of original “Black Cat”. Some images exist on the internet on (screenshots are copyrighted), but the VC is very different.
The only picture what I have find is (image before restauration):
The Super Cat Catalina has also some black livery but it is an other model to create (engine cowling are differents):
As I have yet created a Calypso boat and a trafic AI for it [ I work with Henrik the author of Global AI boat Traffic] so I have planned to create a PBY-6A.
Only two things have to be modificated: the noze and the tail, in order to create the Caypso aircraft which will be released with Calypso boat.
So a 6A to represent the VH-PBZ before its restauration, is not very complicate to modelized.
perfection, and i finally figured out how to use the floats switch,
also the nav mode on the autopilot does not behave wel it wants to go backwards for some odd reason
still, one of the best mods out there
The usage of floats switch is described in the documentation, so it should be read because days spended in writing this documentation is not for birds : it is for users !
Radionavigation gauges are Asobo gauges, so if you find some bugs … My aim is to commute as soon as possible and use the mod pms50-gns530 in conjonction with the Canso, in order to have a better aircraft (as I have made with TuFun’s sounds which are initially for the FSX DC-3).
I’ve managed to get the GTN750 working in the Canso. If you have installed the JDs PMSGTN750 on Others Mod for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS, you can edit the panel.cfg file in folder frenchvfr-canso-pby5a\SimObjects\Airplanes\Frenchvfr_Canso_PBY5a\panel to install the GTN750 in place of the GNS530 and 430 units. Recommend you back up the original file just in case.
From the JD mod pack, install the core ZZZ JD 01 MAIN - GTN750 & GTN650 folder into your Community folder. This is required to get the GTN in aircraft which are not directly supported by PMS50.
Edit panel.cfg to change the htmlgauge00 lines in VCockpit04 and 05 as shown:
This project is not finished (WIP), the plane still awaits many modifications, the replacement of the functions of radio navigation of Asobo was with the program like many others still.
I’m working alone for the simple reason that I don’t want to have modifications imposed on me that I don’t want. If I didn’t put the Canso on, it’s partly because of that.
Nobody knows yet what the next update of Asobo will bring or destroy, so I will not support any changes that have been made to the version published by me as long as they have not been tested and validated.
Thank you.
PS: I have been designing aircraft for over 14 years and I work on this project since 2015 for FSX/P3D in a first time and for MSFS since 2020.
It was not my intention to impose anything on you, and I apologize for any misunderstanding.
This is simply a stopgap measure for users to enable the GNS for those of us that prefer it over the GNS units, until such time as it becomes part of your official release package. I’ve done similar mods for other planes while waiting for either the devs to integrate the GTN natively, or for JayDee to release them as part of his GTN On Others pack. after which my mod simply becomes obsolete.
At any rate, I look forward to your future developments on this aircraft.
Ok, I understand but the Canso is a very old lady and using modern gauges in an old plane is too much to my taste.
I’ve already made a concession for a lot of new users who are lost without an autopilot by introducing a 530/430 and an autopilot but a GTN750 substitute is a bit much for me. I have the same approach than Vitus and his Boeing 247D
On my Menestrel HN433 which has’t flaps, some people had asked to implement these function, despite the fact that they don’t exist on this kind of aircraft. For me creating an aircraft does imply to respect the original model.
Sorry, but this is the way I conceive creation in “Simulation”. MSFS for me must be as a Simulator not a game.
I’m not sure why you’re apologizing for outlining your philosophy?
I’d expect the answer to flaps being added to a plane without them would be a firm “NO”. The same with your panel configuration desires, it is what it is.
That you Anglo-Saxons prefer a frank but abrupt answer, I agree, we French prefer a more nuanced answer so as not to offend our interlocutor, even in freeware, a user is a client so …
At 65 years, I think I can answer as I feel
Hello again, I don’t know what I might do wrong but I cant download. It say download will start in 5 sec if not hit the file name. When I do that it say page isn’t safe enter your username. Must i make a account>?