Aircrafts from SAGQ : Canadair CL-215T and Canso PBY-5A

No we don’t have to, the only thing is the downloads are secured to avoid robots downloading
so just use provided credentials specific to this aircraft :

from the site :

WARNING : You don’t need to create a account on my homesite. Download is protected against hotlinks. To download the username to use is pilote, and the password is virtuel. It’s necessary to respect uppercase and lowercas, when they are. Thanks.

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Got it Thank you very much.

Truth :slight_smile:

“Feelings, eh! That’s the way it is, live with it!”

:upside_down_face: :joy:

Downloaded the latest version and am VERY impressed with the continued improvement!! Great job Lagaffe!!

Just some quick feedback from my most recent flight (for whatever its worth):

  • Couldn’t get AP to follow a heading - pilot error?
  • Seems I always end up sitting between the two pilots charis and not in the pilot seat. How do I get back to the pilot seat?
  • Left pilot side window very blurry compared to the other windshield windows.

Again, VERY impressed with the continued improvement - this is quickly becoming one of my favorite aircraft! Beautiful work!!

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Make the autopilot follow a course: I only used Asobo’s AP so if it’s buggy, I’m sorry but many other planes have the same problem.

Return to the pilot’s position: there are some views that are programmed by cycling through these views you should end up in the pilot’s seat

Blurred windows on the pilot’s side: not exactly, the co-pilot’s has the same problem because I wanted to model the depth of the window (external and internal face) and the fact of adding an internal face, or rather the material used for the internal window induces this blur.
When I will return on my devellopements, I will try to solve once and for all this problem but I am dependent on the SDK which evolves only very slowly.

I’ve been working on this plane for more than 5 months and I’m feeling a bit tired so I need a holiday like everyone else.


Thanks for the comments Lagaffe - keep up the good work!

Found that at the office today
Dont know if it can help

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Thanks for theses informations, I will take care of it :sunglasses:

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Anymore updates on this aircraft?

Latest version on the web site is v0.8.0

After 6 months of uninterrupted work on this aircraft, I also need to change my occupation for a while, just to clear my mind … :sunglasses:
I took a long break during August and after a Covid in September I decided to extend this break by tackling a project that was close to my heart and that I will tell you about soon.

It is once again a very famous Canadian aircraft… There will be a WIP version to wait for some time. :innocent:

As for the CL-215T, I’m talking with an old French pilot who worked on this aircraft. The turboprop is an engine that I have never tried to simulate and there is a lot of work to do on the flight model side. :hot_face:

The Canso isn’t abandonned, It’s just a question of taking a break to get motivated again, because this project was started in 2010 and you need to take a break from time to time to get motivated again.


Good to hear. Take your time to get the motivation back. I’m sure I and a lot of forum flyers will be very happy when you return to the Canso and crank up the quality even a notch further.

Just found this aircraft yesterday and had a great time flying it around today. Where I live there are numerous seaplane bases in the area, so flying around the area has been fun. Question if anyone knows if I set something up wrong - After landing I retard the throttle to the minimum but the RPM’s barely drop below 1000 RPM. I would expect a value between 600-800 RPM’s with the throttles closed, but I haven’t been able to achieve this. It makes some very long landings on the water as slowing down takes thousands of feet since the engines are still propelling the plane in a forward motion. This is mainly an issue for me on the water as the brakes can slow down on land.

Thanks @LagaffeVFR5476 for this aircraft! I can see many great flights for me in the future!

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The flight model and especially the behaviour of the engine at idle are very delicate points under MSFS.
We should have had a correct behaviour of the seaplanes since SU10 and I am still waiting for a coherent behaviour.
The simulator is not yet stabilised and this aspect will be the last to be dealt with after the textures have been switched to PBR format.


Thanks for the update. I agree that seaplane behavior in MSFS leaves something to be desired. Thanks for your continued work on this project! @LagaffeVFR5476

Hi, any update for this marvelous project ?

He just gave updates a few days ago in the posts above…

anxiously awaiting for updates to the canso. is it still being worked on?