All contrails synched to user aircraft

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Developer mode is off

Brief description of the issue:

All AI aircraft display contrails only when contrails are active with the user aircraft. Unlike FS9, FSX, or P3D where contrails are generated when AI aircraft fly at or above a threshold temperature, FS2020 AI aircraft generate contrails only when the user aircraft is flying in conditions that generate a contrail.

This produces irregularities in the simulation where aircraft at very high flight levels have no contrail when the user aircraft is flying at a low flight level. Conversely, aircraft at very low flight levels generate a contrail when the user aircraft is flying at a very high flight level and generating a contrail.

A classic example of this irregularity is the user aircraft flying at FL450 over the Bahamas and an AI aircraft at 1000 feet flying through extremely warm moist tropical air on approach to Nassau airport is generating a contrail.

The contrail generation logic needs to be changed to match the logic implemented in the prior versions, such as FS9, FSX, and P3D, which allows individual AI aircraft to display contrails based on air temperature at their individual flight level.

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Scenario 1: Start with a nearby AI aircraft on approach or taking off from an airport. Slew the user aircraft to a high flight level that will generate a contrail. Observe that the AI aircraft landing or taking off now also has a contrail.

Scenario 2: Slew user aircraft to a flight level where a contrail is first generated as the user aircraft climbs or ceases as the user aircraft descends. All nearby AI aircraft will start or end their contrails at the same moment the user aircraft contrail begins or ceases.

PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)

Processor: Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700K CPU
Installed RAM: 32.0 GB
Windows Edition: Windows 10 Pro
Version: 21H1
OS Build: 19043.1110
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
GeForce Driver: 471.41
MS2020 Version:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

I don’t remember the version number however it has occurred since the contrail effects were added to the simulation.

Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?

Microsoft Store version

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

Yes - #119083

Is this why I haven’t seen a single contrail up to today?
I’m only flying GA aircraft low and slow.

Outside of being unable to see some live traffic lights. This is an issue when cruising. I am up at FL360 for example. Clear weather. I am passing above a major airport (ATL, LAX, etc). I see planes and their lights below. Their altitudes would be 5000ft or so, and they have contrails spewing from their rears. This should not be happening. And I assume the same applies when I am flying below or outside of conditions where contrails form- in this scenario I would be unable to see contrails from aircraft that may in fact be producing contrails.

Above: I am cruising FL370. Below (at my 5 o’clock) another aircraft descending through FL013. Also, this is happening over SoCal

This hasn’t changed, has it?

Sadly it has not been fixed as of SU8 beta.

When flying at low levels, it would be nice to have contrails above, but the glaring problem is when flying high and seeing contrails on landing aircraft.

My guess is Asobo is trying to save CPU computations to track which aircraft have contrails and which do not. A solution needs to be found because it’s a real emersion killer for a sim the puts emphasis on visuals.

It’s also a shame there are only 6 votes for this issue to be fixed.

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Voted, and also voted on many other contrail topics too!

I think I remember this having to do with the SDK and LOD. Tons of topics, with tons of votes over the last 2 years on this.

It appears we will just have to wait. :man_shrugging:

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I actually can’t fathom how stupid the chosen approach is. Who is getting those ideas at Asobo? “Let’s implement contrails, but let’s make the effect only be active and visible if the player’s own plane has contrails” I mean, who comes up with such stuff?

:wave: Thank you using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Brief description of the issue:

when cruising at high altitude, all AI traffic appear to display contrails behind them. even those that are flying on an approach do this.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

climb to an altitude where user plane displays contails, and observe low flying traffic of AI aircraft.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

i9-10900k, gtx1070, 32gb ram

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

I am sorry for bringing up this topic but this issue still persists. I am at FL380 above LEPA, and aircraft below on approach have contrails. Flying on VATSIM.

Happens often when I fly on vatsim

Was blissfully unaware of this until today and can confirm this is happening in SU10 beta too. I observed aircraft landing with contrails at Liverpool whilst I was at 38,000ft

Performance saving workaround most likely. You don’t need to check every single traffic altitude which save CPU times. Instead only player altitude are checked to decide if contrails should be visible or not.


here 2 pics at 33000 ft above Palma de Majorqua , my plane have contrail and planes that are going to land have it too :frowning:
if I descend until I no longer have a contrail, everything immediately disappears for the other planes even if they are above 33000ft

Once you descend, the contrail disappears in real life.

What you are saying is, when you descend and you loose Contrail, every single plane in the area looses contrail as well, correct?

Currently contrails are bugged in the sim.

If your aircraft is throwing them, AI traffic will.
If you aircraft is not throwing them, AI traffic wont have them either, irrespective of their altitude.


yep that’s correct

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yes since time, it would be good if he solves this problem

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

YES (fps only)

Brief description of the issue:

Bug from way back: Contrails of AI A/C (don’t know abt player A/C) will get contrails if the player A/C have contrails. ie AI A/C at 2000ft show contrails if player is high up and having contrails. Contrails don’t show when player A/C don’t have contrails.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Just observe AI A/C as player A/C show contrails.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

PC, DX11, Win10, 3090, beta .21.