Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

Lol I’ll almost guarantee not one will ask for a refund unless they really have tried everything AND need the money.

Totally spot on… I always thought the flight sim community was a relatively level headed mature area of the game/sim world. A very marginal, and it is very marginal, graphical downgrade has turned a whole load of I’m sure usually mature simmers into spoilt teenagers using the sort of over the top entitled language you usually see in other gaming forums.

Yes there are lots of annoying bugs and yes I think Asobo could have prepared people better for this and handled things a bit differently but the situation will definitely get sorted. We just have to be patient.


Out of principle maybe? They promised optimizations. They didn’t say anything about degrading graphics and visible culling.

Yesterday I watched this video from digital foundry and they immediately admit they changed the view distances and LODs to make it work on the Series S. Because it only has 8GB of memory available to games. And they changed the Ultra setting so it can run on Xbox.

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Funny enough I’ve just addressed this point

The sim isn’t degraded but your old settings might not deliver the best visuals and until Asobo updates values in options it may take a configuration hack to get them back … Mostly that is, some things won’t be addressed until the arrival of DX12.

Ask any of the big boys with huge rigs that know how to tune and they are ecstatic with the update.

Well I can’t try it because the sim doesn’t work anymore for me.

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Everything I can think of I’ve suggested elswhere as have many others … I could go on and suggest cheap chinese parts (particularly ram) but then I’ll get the but it works for XXX argument and I don’t want to revisit that subject.
Good Luck getting back to good.

MrTonySM has the most powerful rig I’ve seen on here, try asking him what he thinks?

I do not play this game after the ugly Xbox update. The game is broken for me, unplayable.
I bought this game as a flight simulator with great graphic, but now there are many bugs inside with a very sick view (graphic), ugly, horrible, unplayable.

So, if its possible, i wish to get my money back!


Well you are actually dead wrong, off course it’s not only one update that triggered all the fuzz about MSFS on social media. It’s an accumulation, nearly every previous update caused a stir because it came with new flaws. People are getting fed up with it and they have the right to!


Be sure to explain properly and civilly when you ask. It worked for me @ Steam when I left the machine uploading for 48 hours without getting above 60%.

That is correct…“we’ll” was meant to be “folks” It’s hard to remove the “we” or “we’ll” after a year.

“Drama queen?” When I was 13 i might have thought that was funny.

You’re right, I should have left out the last bit.

:slight_smile: Crazy week for everyone.

Folks don’t really want a refund…they just don’t want their experiences ruined by new patches/updates.
Sorry but in order for this sim to progress you just gotta expect your good experiences and comfort to be ruined at times. SU4 gave you your daily MSFS fix and happiness, but SU4 was only part of the process.
This will be ongoing for a long time. Either ride the roller coaster or get off and sit for a while.

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I just can’t understand why some kids here hating MSFS are still playing it and hanging out here creating negative threads one after another? Why torture yourself? I don’t play game i hate or don’t like. While these kids were arguing here about how bad MSFS is i was enjoying my flights and the new update. Really great job asobo. If temperature fix will comes soon and some other minor issues fixed i’d be really happy. The game is smooth, it’s stable and it looks amazing which are the most important things.


The simmers bought 64 GB RAM and a 3080/3090 FOR MSFS 2020.0…no Other game has screwed over so many customers

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IMO if they had just waited a year and released on Xbox and PC at the same time none of this fuss would be happening. PC guys would have no frame of reference.

Ideal specs 32GB ram, RTX 2080

im on pc with game pass so i cannot ask for a refund or similar, of course, but i agree with whoever on pc want a refund after upd5.
I hope the dev can relase an update in the next days, for pc, or almost tell us a date for when, not late than one month. we spend THOUSAND of money in real life to prepare our PC (you know how much a gpu is in the last year) and lot of enthusiast do that ONLY for the SIM! i personally know some guy who bought an overpriced RTX 3xxx just for the hype to flight the sim on pc with great level of detail and not for other games or application in particular.
PC users need to have a great product.

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Following advice I found on another thread in this forum, I tweaked the settings in the usercfg.opt file and increased LOD for terrain and object detail (from 2 to 5 and 3 respectively). Also pushed up the quality of clouds (from 3 to 5).

Really pleased with the results and performance doesn’t appear to have been impacted that much.

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