Allow us to remove Active Pause from toolbar

With SO MANY fundamental problems to fix, this is now being proposed? How do we expect Asobo to take the community seriously when this is a pressing issue to vote like removing Press Any Key function? If I were Asobo and these two topics were high on the request list, I would say my sim is pretty much perfect, which is far from the truth. My vote is HELL NO!!!

Fix the fundamentally broken / downgraded features: LOD, water reflections, night light amber light reflections, load/save function, travel to function, airliner flight dynamics, Garmin GPS, 787 elevator, lnav, vnav, cruising undulation, 787 taxi on square nosewheel, CPU bottlenecking on main thread, gpu overclocking causing CTD, clouds with square mesh textures, on and on and on. Its 2 months since release. The focus really needs to be on fixing the basic things that affect actual gameplay and in game experience, and get the Sim functionality to a state that we were told we would be purchasing on Aug 21, 2020!


Yes so far I had no successful recovery after unpausing. Every time my aircraft that was paused in levelled flight flying by autopilot, would go in to quick barrel rolls and dive right after unpausing. Flight controls become unresponsive or not responsive enough to help the situation and recover the plane from dive of death. Also it seems like air dynamics are very unreal especially i noticed on A320. Airplane lacks heaviness or inertia. It drops speed to quick if throttled down. It gains altitude to quick if yoke pulled back missing inertial sinking effect. Gains to much speed at quick descend with full flaps and speed brakes and some other things i cant remember now, but was really disappointing. So far it seems like FSX was way more realistic about flight dynamics. Even though this MSFS2020 was advertised to be so good. Its not even half as good in flight dynamics compared to FSX. Something needs to be done about that. Real pilots should be invited and fly models they used to fly in real life. And give advises to game creators about what needs to be corrected. It shouldn’t be a problem to hire a real life pilot for few days or weeks now. Since many of the pilots lost their job due to covid. So it may be just perfect time to use those pilots now, since they are not busy and can help maybe even for free.
Because all this stuff is really disappointing. Makes me want to install FSX and uninstall MSFS2020 thinking I just waisted my money.

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I’m pretty sure that the addition of a few real pilots this late in the game is bolting the door after the horses have fled. Plus, I’m also fairly certain that real pilots have no valid experience of temporal shifts or the stopping of time beyond the minimal effects caused by the relativistic effects of high speed travel.

The idea of prioritising bugfixes based on forum votes, of which only a small % of users are forum members, is a stupid idea. Sure it’s good for new feature requests but Asobo should be able to prioritise bug fixes based on how critical they are to the core sim experience. So things like flight dynamics, avionics functionality (AP, Garmin units, VNAV etc) should be addressed as a priority.

But then they should be testing releases and fixing more bugs than they introduce with each patch, so, clearly they are not following any logical test/release process.

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It’s a useful feature if you want to take screenshots. But I agree if a user wants to turn it off, it should be an option, but it should not be removed entirely.

Please, I beg you all, never use active pause…pause the sim the right way that works - you can control the switches, move the camera, take screen shots, make coffee, whatever…and when you unpause, it’s exactly where you left off…

It is all explained here and very simple to do:

Why does my use of it affect anyone else?

It doesn’t of course. I’m just trying to get across to those who don’t like it that there is a much better alternative. If you want to use it, that’s fine, but know it’s limitations and that SET PAUSE ON/OFF overcomes them all.

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What is so difficult to understand ??

ACTIVE pause is different to just setting pauses ON/OFF.
The only problem at the moment with Active pause is that it has a 1 or 2 bugs to get sorted.

The purpose of ACTIVE Pause, is to pause your plane in the air, while still allowing you to control the items in the plane, like the Instruments & switches, and have them respond.

It is a real and necessary SIM function.

It’s issue is that it is NOT Actively Pausing everything it should.

ie It pauses Velocity, but it does not “pause” (temporarily zero, accel/decel)

If you are NOT moving, you cannot be accelerating or decelerating !!!
(but the bug is that the sim continues to calculate & update these parameters !!)!

Same does for the internal processing in the AP.

Once this is FIXED, and programmed correctly, you will be able to ACTIVE PAUSE, with the AP on, and when you release active pause, your FROZEN in space Plane, will resume MOTION, as if you had never paused. The only things that could have changed would be Cockpit settings.

And SET PAUSE ON/OFF also allows you full control of the plane, and doesn’t have any of the bugs live pause has and in fact operates exactly as you’ve described you want. You’ve obviously not read the guide I linked. I don’t know why you are annoyed by me. I don’t care what pause you use.

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I’m not annoyed by anyone wrt MSFS –

Really, pause on/pause off is just the same as a correctly working Active pause. ?

You can Pause On, and then go tune a Nav radio, and see the instruments respond to that new frequency ? You can set the AP to have a new VS ? You can alter the heading Bug etc etc.

In that case, GREAT … but when I tried it after #2 patch, it did not seem to allow that …

I’ll try again … If you say it will do the above.

It allows all the instruments to be used especially glass cockpit. Some switches register but the light won’t come on until you unpause. I’ve not exhaustively checked which ones. The biggest thing is that it actually pauses the motion of the plane so no crashing afterwards and you can leave it paused for ages if you want. So it may not be perfect but as a better alternative until asobo changes how active pause works…

If you want to see the buttons light up you can pause press the switch unpause for a moment then pause again.

So, the Pause on, pause off is doing the same thing as the Active Pause TOGGLE is meant to do… ie you could call those two pause functions “Active pause ON” and “Active Pause Off”, and they do, in effect, freeze the AP and your change in velocity, something that the ACTIVE PAUSE toggle is failing to do ??

one thing I wish the add is the instant replay. I really like that feature, specially using the recording option with Nvidia, so that we can record the landings and approaches. It looks a lot better than having the gauges showing on the outside to see how the aircraft is behaving. I really hope they implemented soon. I’m surprised it wasn’t included, or requested, during the testing face.

Of course, there is a difference between Active Replay, and a Video recording playback.

In the past, Active Replay played back a recording of the operation of the controls, so the plane would re-fly what it initially did, but maybe under different circumstance, like altered weather, time of day etc.

ie FSRecorder.

Shame this was not implemented MUCH earlier, and it would have provided a great tool for semi automatic Tesing for QC and the Alpha Testers.

I see to remember with FSRecorder, you could choose what parameters got played back, which was something the Built In Recorder did not do.

Yeah. Of course what I meant by the Nvidia recording is that the video quality is excellent. Before it was awful to record anything because the FR were terrible and the quality really bad. Being able to record quality videos while using instant replay is a winner. I heard it is on the whish list so we’ll see.

Yes, that’s right. I use it all the time for taking screenshots with/without AP on - it makes no difference. I can pause the sim, turn on FD, NAV, YD, set the altitude to hold at, set the ALT HOLD then press the AP button and then unpause. Job done.

EDIT - note that time does not pause - so it will get dark, for example. If you look at the post I linked, there are two solutions for that too, one involving dev mode and one involvign savings the game whilst paused.

EDIT/EDIT - a viable alternative or addition to this would be to slow the sim rate to 1/4 speed - that way all the instruments remain fully operational. So you could slow the sim rate, pause, work out what you want to do, unpause, make the changes, pause again if you want, then unpause and speed the sim rate up again. This works well too

Interesting. I have to try that.

Maybe they should have called it “TARDIS Hold” , just a suggestion to DOCTOR it for the person WHO names these things. . . . . . . :alien:

I can’t understand why don’t using the “normal” pause. I had to set the command to the P button.