Allow us to remove Active Pause from toolbar

Are you kidding? You accuse people of being purchased trolls for liking this game because one of the three Pause modes isn’t good? Maybe some people are just purchased trolls to badmouth MSFS then? Just as silly a theory, but here goes …

You crashed because of this function many times? It happened to me twice only, in the first day of using the sim. Then I researched and changed the pause mode that I used, there are a few options you can use. Never had a problem since.

I fly off the handle when see such comments. Stop defending them. Game designers should explain properly what this function does and suppose what players expect from it.

You know what? I remember that ‘tooltip’ from developers: “You may take screenshot when pressing Pause” or something like that.

To clarify, no, it’s not because one of the three pause modes isn’t working. It’s because it has been a freaking mine-field of issues that lead to bad experiences. And then, once you think you have it all figured out and you know how to work around the issues, or just avoid certain things that are currently broken (dang near everything) you hit active pause towards the end of a long flight to grab a quick screenshot… or as the loading screen tool tip says “If you need a break during a breath-taking flight? Use active pause!” AND BAM! black screen followed by an over-stress crash statement! So it’s always something with this game and maybe they will fix it, sure, maybe they will fix everything. But it was rushed in a big way because they wanted to cash in on COVID keeping people home a lot more.

Didn’t know where else to put this. Was on a Discord for a VA addon and they were talking about how active pause can be abused.

Active pause is good for taking screenshots. The last time I used it, my A320 was banked 90° when I un-paused.

At this point I think the only thing Active Pause is good for is exactly what I did in the video I posted. Pausing the aircraft without pausing the flight dynamic.

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It is very simple and no need to remove active pause. Simply NEVER use it. Instead always use SET PAUSE ON and SET PAUSE OFF. This does everything that you’d expect active pause to do but actually pauses the game. See here:

lol so active pause is in there to help manage the wild AP oscillations, it’s required to be able to steady the plane enough to click on the AP disengage button!

Please add a switch for the “Toggle Active Pause” button to the “Custom Toolbar”-Menu, so we can disable the button.

Please do NOT remove it … It serves an important purpose (for those that care to use it)

Don’t Remove it ------ >>>> FIX IT

You know what need to be changed and controlled (just as the FSX developers did)
So you missed a few important functions that should have be frozen.

Just FIX it . (Please)… and if you feel that motivated, update it’s odd Icon on the flying Pull Down menu…
time to replace that temporary, hurriedly thrown in Icon, with one whose design & style matches the others.

I have the bug that whenever i stop the game in active pause my airspeed stil increases which leads to crashes due to overspeed and aircraft overload

Here’s a hint. The name says it all. “Active Pause”. :astonished: What do you think that means? :grin:

WHY is there all this repetatiove discussion about Active pause ??

Active pause is “ACTIVE PAUSE” – a necessary function, for specific uses, but at the moment it is just INCOMPLETE…

All ASOBO have to do is to Pause (Freeze) the AP, and any accelerations.
They have Frozen Velocity, but did not realize it’s derivatives also need to be frozen. ?

Active pause’s primary function is to allow you to pause yourself in the Simulation, but still be able to manipulate controls within the cockpit, ie Change radio freq, figure out what you set wrong in the AP, that is taking you off your expected course etc etc.

Its a VITAL function in a Simulator … it’s just not “Complete” yet, so when you use it, some unexpected things happen.

the Answer is NOT to REMOVE it … but instead to FIX it.

The request to ASOBO should be to FIX it, not remove it.

And if you don’t want to use Active Pause, who is forcing you to use it ??

You may as well be saying
"Weather does not work correctly – Solution = "REMOVE WEATHER "


@N6722C Amen.

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Active pause is useless, it’s not even a pause. I never use it (I configured P and CTRL+P for real pause toggle) but it doesn’t bother me. I never even notice the button is there.

Ditto. It only took one weird spiral death-dive moment to realise what the limits were of active pause, and to decide that normal pause worked better. I really can’t see why they need to remove it when there are a dozen other things that could be fixed.

Just give us a regular ol’ pause - it’s SO simple.

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