Almost all airports in world map gone since SU10

I have noticed that since I installed SU10, only Large international airports show on the world map. None of the smaller airports are shown on the map. Local, municipal or regional airports don’t show. I have looked in all the options settings and no where do i see where those airports can be turned off. The smaller airports do show when I’m flying, but not when I’m trying to pick a route on the world map. I noticed that SU10 changed some of my options when I installed it, but I can’t find what it changed to remove all those airports. Dozens or more airports literally vanished when I installed SU10. I really would like them back.

You need to zoom in the the map to see the smaller airfields. A bit irritating at times as you are then too close to see enough of the map.
Edit: it would be useful if the map had a slider to adjust the range at which airfields become visible.

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I’ve been using MSFS since it was released. I i know how to zoom in to see things. What I am saying is that no matter how close I zoom in, tha airports never appear. The whole east coast of Florida used to have bunches of airports visible, now there are only about less that ten showing in the whole state, no matter how close i zoom.

Odd then.
Have you made sure the world updates are all up to date as well?

I went to the Filters and took out the smaller airports, but when I exited and restarted MSFS, the airports came back, so unless you’ve changed a filter or you have an app that saves filter changes (I seem to remember one floating around out there several months ago) then I’m not sure what it could be.

I assume when you open your filters and scroll to the Airports section, all are set to On… ?

Where do I find these filters you are referring to?

Are you a Navigraph user?

No, I don’t use Navigraph.

I just got that after WU14…

Did you solve it?

hi everyone @smoknjim & @tupiniquim4692 , I m joinning the boat, just experienced same issue after recent update as described in my thread

By any chance, have either of you been able to recover from this ?

Reinstalled Navigraph Navdata and Navdata Base. It did it for me!
Hope it works for you aswell.

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thanks for the answer, unfortunately I m not using navigraph, do you have any idea wich files are involved in this install ?
edit :
finally ! everything is back !
after reinstalling WU15 (this process gave me headache cause I had multiple ctd during download/unpacking/installing those packages)
also did again the clearing of SceneryIndexes and Mapscache folders

so I m not sure wich one of both made the fix, maybe both combined.

to try to fix those CTD during WU15 install

(related to nvwgf2umx.dll and few ones ntdll.dll reinstalled & updated my nvidia driver)

I m sure that wasn’t the issue, but didn’t help for a clean stable install of new packages