World map : airports missing

Goodday everyone, I m here today, long time I didn’t launched the sim, had few world update pending.

Updated everythings, once on the world map noticed that all custom airport in country not covered by any worlds updates are very empty

I thought it may be my scenery cache who is corrupted, tried to delete the folder mapscache from " C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\FlightSimulator "
I also tried with empty community folder, clearing in game cache, and switching with various server … no one of those workarounds seemed to have improved the situatio.

so I m here today to ask for some assistance, any suggestion are the welcome

PS : I m not on beta test and not using any navigraph database

I apologize if this is related to headed message :zipper_mouth_face: I m going to try switching on / off right now

edit : problem still persist

There is definitively an issue here, my World map shows many airports vs yours. At that point I don’t know what you could check. Hopefully someone can make some suggestions.

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Someone reported the same issue but unfortunately no solution there. I suggest you to report your issue in that other topic and ask if by any chance someone found a solution.

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Thank you for the interest and willingness to help on my matter. I’ve tried researching it but haven’t been able to find this specific issue. I will take a look at this thread asap !

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You’re welcome !. Try to turn OFF and then ON your airport filler, maybe something needs to be cleared in the filters settings. If I think to something else I’ll let you know.

I did, no change, also tried deleting those file/folder
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes, I suspect various fs-base-genericairports and other fs-base file corrupted as I deleted the cache with a subfolder (0) in aswell
not working

I guess I m going to delete few package like F:\MFS20\Official\Steam\fs-base and leaving the game redownload it …but will be waiting for better suggestion I guess

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Just found that bug report, but neither no solution there:

deleted fs-base-genericairports + fs-base-genericairports-0.1.52 and redownloaded it made no change -_-

I will have to open a ticket to zendesk I guess, I m scared by this post

Could you ask TitanicPoet7410 in that bug report if since his post last July he found a solution ? and also report your issue there using the template.

well did another check this morning going further in my investigation in order to identify the issue (retried turning off on multiplayer since zendesk suggested that was moslty related to bing Outage :expressionless: )

spawned in the air above SABE airport ( buenos aire )
runway gates etc are absent, also airport isn’t active in the VFR map

actually this is making for me the game very hard to enjoy since I can’t fly in sud america, africa, china, etc and limited in the other part of world :frowning: many runway are bumpy , papi are missing, gates aswell

Ushuaia SAWH

edit : found another post, I will try reinstalling WU15 (it s also suggested by zendesk agent)

Before you re-install the sim have you tried going to the apps settings in Windows, selecting MSFS and selecting repair? It sounds like there is some file corruption and hopefully this may correct it. Once you’ve run this restart the sim which should replace any files that have been deleted.
Caution, though, as this may reset everything to default - but at least that would be better than your current situation.

yeah I was thinking about it, but scared did it once in the past (I m using steam version) and this just broke everything, I mean this didn’t worked as expected and just redownload & reinstall the whole game. I think I have heard few month ago (around august or september) that has been fixed, but I m not sure at all and concider this as my last option before a complete uninstall / reinstall if necessary

finally ! everything is back !
after reinstalling WU15 (this process gave me headache cause I had multiple ctd during download/unpacking/installing those packages)
also did again the clearing of SceneryIndexes and Mapscache folders

so I m not sure wich one of both made the fix, maybe both combined.

to try to fix those CTD during WU15 install

(related to nvwgf2umx.dll and few ones ntdll.dll reinstalled & updated my nvidia driver)

I m sure that wasn’t the issue, but didn’t help for a clean stable install of new packages

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Hey there! We already chatted over the forums about this same issue. And by the time I said the solution for me was to reinstall navigraph files.

Guess what, I just got this bug again (airports missing) and since I’m not able to pay a subscription at the moment, and stuck with this error again.

I tried deleting both SceneryIndexes and mapscache, but still got the error.

How to I reinstall the lastest update?

Since it’s us that are always having this issue, makes me wonder if it happens cause of a similar config we have for/in the sim.

Thanks in advance!

check your content manager watch if all package are uptodate

then check to the marketplace, in free content sub category (scroll down, it s at the end of main market page) where all WU and city update are listed
I watched if I had all WU, and city update up to date and reinstalled the last WU,

hope this will help

if it s already installed, try going to content manager , uninstall it, relaunch the sim, then go to marketplace to reinstall it

in my case it was the WU 15 (nordics & greenland) causing the issue, since recently it s City Update 5: European Cities who received an update maybe on your end it s this one to check

Thanks for the reply!

Indeed there was an update available for me to download (WU 15), but even downloading, installing and then restarting the sim, no luck at all.

This bothers me so much, cause there’s no way to make a flight…

Have found the issue here with no maps MSFS2020 go into settings
Select Apps
look for Offline Maps and you will see complete list of world Maps
Select your region of Maps or Maps that you want and Download.

Takes awhile for maps to download I have them being downloaded to my C: Drive.

Issue only occurred after update to latest software version of MSFS