Alouette III Helicopter released

Where can I d/l these liveries???

Really a cool aircraft. I find it easier to control than most choppers in MSFS, especially near the ground. Now enjoying flying it around the new Pacific scenery.


A couple of very positive recent reviews for this one. One over on Helisimmer and the other on YT.


Waiting for the marketplace release, anxiety level at 96%


I bought this last night and love it! Flies really sounds and the sounds are great.

Have they any plan to sell on Orbx Direct or Simmarket ?


Are there any trims on this bird?
Having to push the cyclic fwd all the time in level flight…but might be how the real one flew(?)

Looking forward to try the Alouette on xbox! I hope it will be released soon. I am thinking also about the 222b from cowan (I have great time with the md 500). Let’s see which one hits the marketplace first…

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Yes, you can use the usual MSFS helicopter trim bindings.

Tnx! Yup, that works: Rotor long./lat. trim + reset.
Used to the H145 which use totally different bindings :wink:

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It doesn’t anymore, v2 has been updated to use the native bindings (and native FM and much much much more… try it, it is fantastically good!)

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Could someone explain the PAS Rotor instrument a bit better than the manual…?
+28C at 0m…is this correct setting?
Then optimal cruise alt is 0m?
And what is that triangular knob you can slightly rotate?
And the numbers on the top scale .5 .6 .7 etc that change accordingingly as you change temp…?

Otherwise I just use .7 for take-off/hover, and .6 for cruise. Seems to work fine.
What happens when you pull collective all the way/full “power”: Alouette drops out of the sky like brick - why is that?

Brillint chopper though!

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The best explnation I saw is in this video:

in french but I am sure you can put some subtitles


Very great explanations in the video focused on the mentioned steam instrument :+1:

I actually flew the real aircraft. It has no trim, in fact it has ZERO control stability. If you let go of the cyclic, it falls and you crash. Not joking.


I flew the real aircraft 20 years ago, I only have 70 hours on it. From what I remember:

Could someone explain the PAS Rotor instrument a bit better than the manual…?
PAS Rotor is french for “rotor blades”. This instrument gives you the maximum blade pitch angle you can pull, according to what you input (altitude and temperature).

+28C at 0m…is this correct setting?
You should input on that scale your actual Outside Temperature and Altitude. (Altitude is in meters because… french.) Then the instrument gives you info on the scales.

Then optimal cruise alt is 0m?
Can’t remember. Honestly. 20 years and 4 other helicopter ago.

And what is that triangular knob you can slightly rotate?
That is your maximum blade pitch angle, according to the temp/altitude you set. If you exceed that, you overtorque the engine, and then rotor drops quickly. Not recommended. :smile:

And the numbers on the top scale .5 .6 .7 etc that change accordingingly as you change temp…?
I think that is the blade angle in the hover.

Otherwise I just use .7 for take-off/hover, and .6 for cruise. Seems to work fine.
I remember being told not go above 0.8, but I flew between September and March, so cold, and low altitude. Made sense at the time. Air density high, if you abuse blade pitch angle, too much torque on the engine.

What happens when you pull collective all the way/full “power”: Alouette drops out of the sky like brick - why is that?
You have the blade pitch angle too high. The engine cannot handle that, rotor loses rpm, then heli goes into “even more like a brick” mode. Don’t go above 0.8 at low altitudes. If you need to land at high altitude and/or hot, set the instrument to your conditions, and read hover torque on the top right scale, according to your weight (not yours… the aircraft’s!).

BTW, didn’t the developer provide something to explain the flight instruments?


Yes, the developer did include a manual. It is an good guide and it explains the instruments well. It’s named even “MUST READ v1.2 - SA 316B Alouette iii - user manual” and I concur, that reading it is needed to understand the heli.


Remember that the collective controls the angle of attack of the rotor blades. When you pull the collective all the way up the angle becomes too steep and the blades act like an air brake working against the engine. At the same time the angle might be so steep that you may lose the airflow over the top of the blades. You get a stall, just like on a wing, and you lose lift.


Well. Have read the manual as stated earlier. And its not very good for the mentioned instrument.
Triangular knob isn’t even explained. Cruise alt doesn’t seem to match up (0m?) etc.

But tnx to the boys and girls trying to explain :+1:

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You have to turn the outer ring manually to MAKE the temp match your desired or actual cruise altitude. This is not automated. And then you can read some values from the other indications.

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