Amazing Quality

Guys I dont know about you but I am blown away. Bought an new machine first. An HP Omen with an 11700k and a 3080.
Had the last update an yes there are some bugs.
I play with Virtual Desktop and followed the people that set to put renderscale in PC flights at 200. Did not make any comparison but at the moment I have Renderscale in Steam VR as in flight at 100 and everything at Ultra. Including all sliders to the max. The Quality is amazing.
I had my resolution sliders higher before the update but the quality I am seeing right now is the best Ive seen sofar. Blown away. And with my system with Asw on I reach 35/40 fps easy.
Wonderfull VR experience with just a Quest 2
Panels are amazingly sharp.
Dont know what happened but I am very pleased. Cant wait to see DX12 really well inplemented. Amazing what an experience.
Happy Flyer :smiley:


Windows 10 or 11 as I have issues with virtual desktop on windows 11

Nice. I’m thinking about VR but I’m not sure my 3060 can handle it … If anyone has the Topprudder solo in VR I’d love to know your thoughts because looking below your feet must be ridiculous :scream_cat:

Yep Quest 2 via virtual desktop is excellent.

I recommend reducing gamma to approx 75% and also HEVC mode in the streamer.

Windows 10 works excellent!


I had a 3060. It worked but its not really the experience you want. I had a 3060 switched to an 3060ti and then finally but a new systen with a 3080.

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That’s what I thought. thanks

I had a 2080 and it ran fine in VR. I had to keep the render resolution at 100, but otherwise I could set most of the graphics details relatively high. Most of the “ultra” settings didn’t make any noticeable difference except maybe the clouds, so there’s no real advantage to turning everything up anyway. I have a 3080 now and it actually did very little to make the VR experience any better except that now I can push my resolution higher and maintain fps, although it makes no visible improvement in quality whatsoever, even at 200%. In fact, I’ve never had any VR game show visible improvement with increasing render resolution, so personally think it’s a useless placebo.

If that’s a 2080Ti I think it has a higher bandwidth than my 3060 which I imagine is important for VR.

Nope, just a plain 2080. It’s an “OC” version, but I don’t know if the factory overclocking was that great.

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Well that is worth knowing then … not worried about the OC as I’m sure I can match it.

Can you please post your detailled settings ?

I’ve just given this a try…wow!
Big improvement on using the link cable, worked a treat with virtual desktop and steamVR

I’m missing something ? What the point to use virtual desktop with a curved 2d screen instead of the REAL Vr ? With ctrl+ tab ?

Read this post first it explains a lot.

VR Mode Smooth, Until The Headset Activates! Quest 2 Stuttering Badly, Regardless of Headroom

Virtual Desktop for Quest/Quest 2 has a VR mode for playing games and is similar to Link where you can specify refresh rate, quality, etc. It can be used as an alternative to using Link or AirLink. When they say they’re using Virtual Desktop, they’re using the real VR feature built in to that version of the software.

If you need more information come back and Ill try to help. It depends also on youre specs.
But I am sure it will help you to get a good experience.

Worth noting that if you intend to use Steam VR at it’s highest settings via virtual desktop, you might want to make sure you have a good backup battery pack available. My Quest 2 can last as little as 50 minutes on it’s own internal battery

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