AMD Fluid Motion Frames (AFMF) + MSFS2020

I’m not home and wont be home until 10 hours from now but i will try to take detailed screenshots and post once i get home.

I would recommend turning everything back off

For now just be aware of the following things
I am using technical Preview driver version

  1. I run my sim in DX 12 mode ( i have yet to test to see if Fluid motion frames work in DX 11 in the sim) Maybe someone else can test that.
  2. Before i attempted to turn on fluid motion frames for the first time ALL TYPES OF VSYNC In game or external was turned OFF.

The first time i tried it i started the sim first in fullscreen mode and then pressed alt + R and toggled the fluid motion frames switch … The light turned green and i then went to the performance section of the overlay to turn on the frame rate counter to observe the new frame rate and the added latency penalty.

I unfortunately did not get the error you are presently having.

As regards to the FAF comment …
Me testing the cap to get max 60 fps is just for testing purposes to demonstrate proof of concept because nothing else has been reported that actually can hard lock the frame rate while fluid motion frames is active until now. (Speaking specifically for DX12 mode of the sim.)

Fluid Motion frames inserts a dupe frame for smoothness so if you want to experience the smoothness of 60 FPS or above… (you can cap it to whatever you want with RTSS) You have to set the cap to the “real” framerate so within RTSS you cap to 40FPS but the sim is being run with the smoothness of 80FPS in an ideal scenario with fluid motion frames turned on. For me personally as long as i am sitting within my monitors Freesync range with Fluid motion frames enabled everything will run pretty much stutter free. That is the goal at the end of the day.

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I managed to activate it in DX11…

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Please confirm with a screenshot that FMF is running.

I’m seriously puzzled how yours is working because the limiting factor is fullscreen. Setting fullscreen in the settings does nothing, as MSFS does not do ‘real’ fullscreen. It is borderless windowed mode, as you can confirm by attempting to alt+tab out without a display refresh.

I’ve tried everything. Different resolutions, VSYNC off, I’ve turned VRR off, tried freesync disabled and enabled, changed refresh rates, DX11, DX12. It will not generate frames because it’s not fullscreen.

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Edit: thought i fixed it but I hadn’t

Finally got the green “Frame generation active” check (located below the AFMF Enable/Disable line) tonight for no apparent reason. I fly primarily in the “Experimental” multi-window mode with three monitors, the center one Full Screen, the two outside monitors in Windowed mode. I hadn’t gotten the green light until tonight. I noticed it when I was about to shut down, so didn’t get to see if it made any difference in performance or graphics clarity. Will try again tomorrow.

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I had to set fullscreen in MSFS for it to work…

aaand it’s stopped working for me too.

I got it for 1 session last night and I cannot get the green tick anymore. I’m trying everything, it makes no sense. I haven’t changed anything or even rebooted my machine since last playing it and AFMF working.

Edit: To clarify, the main thing I’m looking for is “Frame Gen Lag” figure in the bottom right corner when the game first launches. I’ve never had a scenario where frame gen lag is reporting a figure but there is no tick.


I’ve also lost the green tick but the AMD overlay is still reporting double the frames and also showing a figure for frame gen lag. Maybe just bugginess in the AMD adrenaline software? This is using no v-sync at all - as soon as I enable in game v-sync the frame gen apparently stops with the AMD overlay reporting what I would expect the fps would be without frame gen


I also “lost” the green tick after I was going in/out of the Adrenalin driver I/F via Alt-R and turning the GameBar on/off along with changing some sim AA options. I think it just got confused as I just rebooted and got the green tick back.

So I guess you can say that’s why AMD calls it a preview driver!


I have never seen a green tick…

Works very well.
32:9 freesync
Before frame generation I have 30-40 fps, now around 85.
Very very good option for 6xxx owners


Not sure how you guys are getting it working, as its just not working with any instructions here - I have freesync enabled, vsync off, just never have green tick only the message about not with this screen mode… I do have it working with other games.

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Here’s a suggestion to try from a post in another source I found:

need to turn off and then turn on Smart Access Memory in the Adrenalin app for FMF to kick in. You will know if it’s working if the overlay now displays a higher FPS and a value for “FRAME GEN LAG”.

Also, if you have HDR enabled it will not work.

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Hey. I was also struggling with the “green” tick. For me the incompatibilty is my Tobi eyetracker. After shutting down the eyetracker completely, everything works really well. I hope AMD will fix this. Or does anyone have a solution for this? thanks

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yes I disabled tobii and its working…

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There is a driver update to the amd preview version. Unfortunately this also does not work for me together with the tobii eye tracker. “yellow” tick will be there. Tobii seems to disturb the display mode in msfs in a certain way.

I have figured it out. It is Tobii Eye Tracker!

If I close the tobii experience app it works every time showing Frame Gen Lag and the green tick.

If I maximize my game, confirm seeing AFMF is working with Frame Gen lag, then restart tobii experience, frame gen lag disappears and AFMF is disabled.

Oddly when I close tobii experience and tab back to my game it maximizes differently, as if with tobii enabled it’s not properly full screen.

Does anyone else with issues use Tobii Eye Tracker?

Bug reported here AMD Fluid Motion Frames stops working with Tobii Experience app open

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I got a reply from the Tobii support , they said - Game Framerate Detection Software They will generate a new layer on the screen it will overlay the game screen. It will cause the eye-tracker to not detect the game screen correctly. We can only recommend that you do not launch frame rate checker software during gameplay to ensure that the game works correctly.

AFMF works fine using Tobii in other games. I tested it a few times with Star Citizen with no issues at all.

Game Framerate Detection Software… It will cause the eye-tracker to not detect the game screen correctly.

This response from support doesn’t help because tobii does work with FPS detection software fine. It works with steam overlays, AMD software overlays, afterburner, etc…

I’m not sure if they understand the problem

Worked straight away for me and it’s incredible. I’ve gone from 25 to 27 fps to bouncing about around 60 and 70. Tested at Gatwick, Amsterdam and Edinburgh in the Fenix A320, everything on Ultra. I have used both on Vatsim and with FSLTL traffic injector and it’s the same.

Word of caution - it seems anything that takes your FS from being full screen will turn AFMF off. For example, if I have vPilot open and on the screen, AFMF stops. If I have vPilot running but minimised (the option in vPilot is also unticked for “keep window visible”) it’s fine and AFMF keeps running. I suspect from the above posts that Tobii is doing the same. I don’t have it so can’t confirm that.

I have to say, this is the biggest improvement in FS frame rates with I have ever seen with any sort of update and I’ve been using FS since FS95.

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, Radeon RX6800XT, 32 gig RAM, DX11, Samsung Odyssey 5120 x 1440 49"