ThirdWind Simulations, a new Development Team consisting of Nervegas and BurstixTV, are hard at work creating a high quality rendition of the Fieseler Fi 156 Storch for MSFS!
The ThirdWind Storch is tentatively set to include releases for the Official Microsoft Store (on Xbox and PC) as well as third party releases if applicable when the time comes!
Here are some teaser shots from Blender for now with more to come later! We intend to share consistently throughout the development process so make sure to check back often to see the progress! Don’t forget to bookmark this page, and join our Discord for even more awesome info! NOTE: I made a new ThirdWindSim Discord, so this is a new invite to that, anyone who joined our other one has a link to the new one in Announcements.
Saw one of these fly at an airshow a long time ago. There was a light wind and one thing it did was fly into the wind but so slow it was moving backwards. Very impressive. Also landed very much like a helicopter - descended almost straight down. Not fast but very capable of loitering and observing. Cool airplane!
Got it fixed, thanks to you and others who let us know! I put “.com” instead of “.gg” out of habit. Let me know if not working still, but I checked it. Was very late last night while typing that in!
Thanks for the kind words as well! We can’t wait either!
I work with National STOL, they do real life STOL competitions and there is a guy running a Slepcev Storch, not the same thing we are doing, but it is the 3/4 model. Ever since I saw him landing his, and then later on met him and played guitar with him for a few hours realizing we have the same guitar, I have loved this bird!
You can find him in the Slepcev if you lookup “Levi Noguess” if you haven’t already!
I saw they had an article already, you may even be why they know, if so thank you, atd Thank you for the interest in our project! We can’t wait for it to continue to develop over the coming months!
Love to hear that we are doing someone’s favorite aircraft, it was instantly my favorite when I saw the Slepcev Storch at National STOL, so unique and just a great all around plane for many different simmers! Thanks man!