PC-6 Project by FlightSimGames (FSG).
Looks incredible! Finally some turboprop love and Pilatus is even better!
Does FlightSimGames has a Website?
Thank you very much! This project are making by an old flightsim pilots from 80s. We are making an airplane of our dream.
Thanks to the MS/Asobo for the implemented incredible modern technologies to develop flightsim addons!
Not yet. Currently we are busy with the PC6.
That’s amazing news. I’m really looking forward to it.
is the quality a study level aircraft like the PC-6 from Trandra on x-plane ?
Thank you! We want to create the real GA Queen for the all MSFS fields and and rivers around the globe!
It is depends on what you mean “study level”. We will try to make all analog gauges and avionics logic as close to the real as SDK lets us. But we definitely will not make open/close engine hood animation and call it “study level”. First of all we are flight simulation pilots and only then flight simulation addon developers. We enjoy to fly all PC-6 airplanes in all flight simulators available. Now it is time for us to make GA airplane of our dream!
Cannot wait for this one. PC-6 is one of my “must have” planes in MSFS. Looking at the missing cockpit, I imagine it will take a few months to finish this one?
Thank you! We will introduce two PC-6 variants - Wheeled and Amphibious.
Lovely! Looking forward to it’s inception.
Hope you will consider integrating the flight management system (open source) developed by Working Title instead of using the stock AP.
This looks interesting !
Will you sell thison the Marketplace in MSFS ?
Currently we plan to place PC-6 at the simmarket.com first.
Why not! But first we must make the basic flying platform.
Great airplane ! Thank you ! Do you plane a wheels/skis version as well ? In The Alps, it is common to see PC6 in this configuration.