It’s been tried, to a degree, in other sims:
Thranda Pilatus PC-6 Porter Adventure Pack Expansion - Skydivers!
Not too keen on the copy pasta skydivers, but it’s a good start.
Parachutes can be modelled, the Jetpack JW1 - Touching Cloud does it.
It would be a lot of work to do well though, but things like this could be the differentiation that makes aircraft in a crowded product field stand out beyond competing on “best flight model” or “nicest cockpit”, which while essential can be subjective at best when all the devs are top tier.
The fastest route would be to team up with the Thranda dev and see if he can port it to MSFS as an “exclusive”, which might save some time/effort. Or not. Build, buy, or collaborate!
The core UX here would be Jump Pilot though, not skydiving. Jump Pilot is a big enough task in itself given the specialist nature of it. Extra bonus points for beat ups!