[ANNOUNCEMENT] FlightSimGames (FSG) Pilatus Porter PC-6 (payware)

This looks great, can’t wait!

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Count me in as still Team FSG all the way, it’s sad how others try to take advantage of your transparency and put out a lesser product ahead of yours to steal your thunder. Your PC6 will still be the definitive one, just as JustFlight’s Piper Arrow was even though Carenado had one at the same time.


Well, they are making a good promotion for our Porter! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


For what it’s worth I’ll definitely be picking yours up still.

Your attitude towards the project and community is unrivalled in the PC-6 field and I have no doubt the flight model will be one of if not the best of the 4 we will have (unless there’s more still hidden away :laughing: )

Just looking forward to having the free Asobo one to tie my over until yours in the new year :grinning:


If I may add anything as a humble suggestion… when I flew your PC-6, there is ZERO doubt it flies and performs VERY well. Take your time on the visuals of the cockpit/cabin. Make it the best you can. Don’t rush it. The flight model and the systems are already a winner. If you want to seal the deal and make it not even close at all, take a look at the MilViz screenshots. Preferably, buy theirs. Look at it and feel it out. You have an advantage - the competitive product already out and about. Now you know what you are dealing with. All you have to do is make yours better. :wink: And you have the hardest part done - systems and flight model. Now make it look good. :hugs:


Hans Hartmann isn’t known for mistakes & toys, is he? Obviously, I don’t expect it to have the fidelity that this FSG Porter will have, but that seems a bit harsh given his reputation. I’ll still be picking this one up, so long as it continues to impress.


I thought that comment was a little bad taste to be honest…especially from a FSG tester.

Who knows what Asobo, what they showed off may be a very early build. I’m sure it’ll look incredible and fly well enough, also can’t beat the price of free…

In my eyes though the FSG PC6 seems to be heading to a different level of realism and I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be a toss up between this one and whatever Milviz do with their ‘stage 2’ but I can see the level of care and attention being put into this one and I’m loving watching it develop.


Though lots of people will be satisfied with the Asobo one.
Then, there is the Milviz version - so competetion is definetely there.

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Sorry for my post, i decided to delete it


This is the only one with floats, right? That’s a selling point for sure.

No. The 2nd stage of Milviz will have floats, the Asobo version will have floats, and the SWS version will have floats.

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Ah. Oh well, I have the MilViz version, obviously I’ll get the Asobo version, and I’ll be getting this one because I’ve been following the development closely and loving watching it come together and if anything I need to pay FSG for the awesome development blog they’ve been doing here!

But as big as an SWS fan I am, they oughta just shelve that sucker and put the effort into bringing over their F-4 Phantom. :slight_smile:

I say this mostly because I want a Phantom, though more than 3 Porters is pretty ridiculous when there are so many planes not simulated. It’s a shame Asobo doesn’t have a channel to tell devs under NDA what planes they’re planning to release to avoid duplicated efforts.


Try telling that to SWS, lol. They’d likely say something like this:

Competition is a great thing, and it’s good to see a range of choices. I’m betting there’ll still be plenty of differences among them.


It’s been tried, to a degree, in other sims:
Thranda Pilatus PC-6 Porter Adventure Pack Expansion - Skydivers!
Not too keen on the copy pasta skydivers, but it’s a good start.

Parachutes can be modelled, the Jetpack JW1 - Touching Cloud does it.

It would be a lot of work to do well though, but things like this could be the differentiation that makes aircraft in a crowded product field stand out beyond competing on “best flight model” or “nicest cockpit”, which while essential can be subjective at best when all the devs are top tier.

The fastest route would be to team up with the Thranda dev and see if he can port it to MSFS as an “exclusive”, which might save some time/effort. Or not. Build, buy, or collaborate!

The core UX here would be Jump Pilot though, not skydiving. Jump Pilot is a big enough task in itself given the specialist nature of it. Extra bonus points for beat ups!


Wow, that is nice. (Graphics are oddly crude though, even if this is from last year?) I am not too familiar with the X-Plane API and SDK, I wonder if there is some fundamental feature in it that enables this, that MSFS is missing?

Programmer art :rofl:

Still working through the SDK myself with an eye to doing something similar.
It’s a twitchy SDK though, frustrating to work with at times, even more so than the sim glitches.

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In terms of in-air animations of skydivers - the SGBV airport addon from the marketplace has hang gliders everywhere …

They are just animation programmed to start and finish always at the same locations. I think it is completely different than having jumpers to animate anywhere you drop them irrespective of the position of the plane once they are out.
You probably could animate people jumping out and disappearing as part of the animations that belong to the plane.

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oh OK.

Well the Fiat G.91 also has a thing where the non-marketplace version can drop iron bombs which fall from the aircraft, though I believe they caused a few issues in multiplayer.

I emailed one of the Thranda devs last year some time, asking if they would be creating the Kodiak for MSFS. Paraphrasing their response it was “not a chance”, I believe due to limitations of the SDK at the time. I kept that email for the day when/if they decide to reverse that decision so I can welcome them into the fold. :blush: