The weapon loadout pop-up window has a typo in the red box, “presset” should read “pre-set”
Thank you for the update! My understanding is that you are based in the Ukraine, so it must be extremely challenging times for you. Take care.
Regardless of what your peripheral inputs are, this aircraft shouldn’t be able to do that. A proper flight model will just say… NO at some point. And the aircraft will not do what it can’t do realisticly.
Example: The Heatblur F-14 won’t do that regurdless of your stick input. It is out of the envelope of the flight model for that airframe. It would probably go into a flat spin or at least stall!
Yes you can fly the F-111 in a realistic manner. But who knows if the aircraft is responding realisticly with proper stick input. That’s what a flight model is for. Defining the aircraft characteristics under many flight conditions. Stalls, acceleration, service ceiling, maneuvering at different speeds and altitudes, drag, fuel weight, and much more.
The exterior model is really nice and I want this plane to be great. I hope the previewed update fixes the flight model along with what they showed in the video. Good to see some progress though.
Where is the WP for it?
I don’t believe its been released yet.
The Weapons module and an updated Flight Manual are available for download at the AviaSimHD website
Yes, WP module available for download now.
To install:
Update GKS F-111E to 2.1 version via content manager in MSFS
Download PW module from our site
Unpack the ZIP archive
Install folder gsk-f111wpnmodule to COMMUNITY
usual COMMUNITY folder location is:*DRIVE*:Users\*USERNAME*\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\COMMUNITY
Run MSFS2020 with GKS F-111E, and check weapons panel
Thank you!
Is it possible that an EF-111 livery will be added someday and a NAV/GPS option on the autopilot?
Are there still plans to make this available outside of the market place, and if so, when and where would it be available from?
Thanks for the new update and the important fixes; much improved flying now in my opinion
I also like the weapon loadout presets to switch through.
One remark on these: I think there’s a bug with the AGM142, the right wing mounted shows a different model than the left wing:
It is no a bug. AGM-142 must be equipped with at least one Data Link Pod, so in F111 it is typical loadout. Data link Pod from one side and missile from other.
Thanks for the clarification on the AGM-142
Another topic I just noticed: FPS (performance)
I am usually at good 60-70 FPS with other aircraft, but the F111 now gives me mostly 20-40 FPS only; just tested it with several planes in the same location.
Pretty sure it was not like this before the patch?
Can other pls also check their latest experience?
does anyone know how to fix the content manager looping. I literally cant download the f-111e because it gets to 88.96 MB before stopping and restarting the fspackage.001
I’ve having the same issue. There seems to be a problem with the server.
Update: it took about 15 tries but finally got it to install. Server side issues it seems.
Just started using this so obviously very new. What is the procedure for shutting down the engines. My thrust levers are at idle, I can’t bring them back further than that, and changing the fuel feed knob from both to off results in fuel pressure lights but the engines remain running. I can’t see any mention in the manual of cutoff click spots or similar.
What did you do? Did you just let it sit there and loop or did you have to shut it down and delete files and then restart?
I sat there and let it loop. Gradually the download speed gained momentum to complete file 001, then a few goes at 002, and so on.
Will there be fixes for frame drops? I used to be able to run is smoothly but now it is noticeably worse performance.