There’s an option in the in-cockpit menu to show the flight plan on the moving map, but I can’t remember off the top of my head exactly what section it’s under.
The Sim Skunk Works Tornado for P3d had a fairly accurate representation of the nav system that required you to create flight plans by manually entering lat/long into a text file that the airplane could read (it couldn’t read .pln files), so it wasn’t exactly the most user-friendly thing out there.
Thanks found it - just had a great flight through the Lakes using a flight plan and the map
They would be LN3 (Litton) files I think, their F104 and G91 use them in MSFS too.
I wrote a Google sheet that translates XPlane FMS files (out of Little Navmap because they are text) into LN3 that can be loaded into the 104 (probably the P3D Tornado too).
A tip for those using AAO or Spad to set up controls. You can set up the wing sweep and flaps levers on two axis like in the real (virtual) cockpit. Set one lever to control flaps 0-3 for 67, 63, 45 and 25 degree wing sweep and another for flaps 3-6 for 0, 7, 25 and 50 degrees flaps.
I use “toggle reverse thrust” for the reverser, but cannot seem to find a variable for the lift drop. Also, I don’t find the reverser with full dry thrust slows the aircraft down much. Anyone else having more luck?
I’m having some problems with the Tornado on Xbox. When flying it randomly turns on the afterburners, sweeps its wings back, and rolls level completely on its own.
I’m not sure if I’m missing something or if there is a bug with the aircraft.
Could be a noisy throttle signal from your hardware bumping the cockpit throttle to the stop repeatedly, triggering the associated sound. If so, try a larger deadzone in the sensitivity settings.
I think I have a button mapped to ‘toggle reverse thrust’ …and remember the throttles must be at idle or they wont deploy.
One issue I have is on landing the reverse buckets deploy and the spoliers raise fine…press to deselect and the buckets go back …but the spoilers remain deployed and I cannot close them again!
…Take off again and as soon as the weight is off the wheels they retract again and all is good!
…So how do I close the spoilers on the ground?
“remember the throttles must be at idle or they wont deploy”
That’s it - they work if I use F1 to go to idle but not if my X52 is at idle, must not be going right down to idle.
I had an Extremity dead zone of 4%, but setting it to -4% fixes it and now buckets work fine
For me the Lift dumpers both start out up when the flight loads and I have to retract them for take off, but the button always works…