Hi All
I’ve noticed a minor logic issue in our processing which very likely to be causing the ‘extended loitering’ of a few of our ships around the busier harbours/ports. The good news is this is fixable and should put them back out on the seas. I’ll want to do more testing in case it causes issues elsewhere but there will be an update.
Separately we have already started on new models too (we are aiming to add another 20-30 model types + repaints for added variety but will add these to releases incrementally).
Wakes will also get improvements over time as our understanding of the SDK develops.
Hi @mac2244 - Do you have Orbx Singapore installed? Some of their static models have been placed on top of wakes from the underlying satellite imagery I believe.
thanks for the reply!
your absolutely correct I have the singapore add on installed - will remove and see if it helps…
also one general observation is that I have seen only a small number of full wakes on larger ships and many static ships - is this likely to be because of my choice of location or have i set something up wrong? (note I also saw many sail boats moving around - but could see no wakes for them)
final question - if I want to try to use your software with henriks freeware what are your suggested settings ?(was going to try ferries and pleasure boats at 100% but wasn’t sure where to set ships - think your one requires >60% but would usually run henriks at 6%?
Very happy to hear that! I must admit that the current amount of models makes this massively overpriced as far as i’m concerned. Another 30 models +repaints will make it a far more palatable purchase.
Looking forward to seeing progress. Once you have another 15 or so models added I’m in!
Did some flights before i bought the product, and some after. I tried at three different locations: around the oresund bridge, Bergen Norway and the strait of Calais. Before i installed the global shipping addon i found one ship that falls in the ships and ferry`s category. This was after to hours of flying at the three locations.
After installing the addon there are a lot more ships in the game that give the game a great look and sense of realism. The ships are visable at longer distanses and dont seem to be suffering from the popping in and out that the leisure ships do (problem the game has, not the product). There were enough ships in game to enjoy.
The models and lighting look fantastic and i am happy with the purchase and the announcement of the developers to add more different models and routes. Some pictures from my flights after i installed the product.
I bought both of the new Seafront packages and I am fairly happy with the purchases. Right now it’s a good news/ bad news proposition. The ships are great and I have my graphics menu set to 100% to allow the boats to fully populate. The wakes do make a difference. I even found appropriate boats tooling around some of the larger fresh water lakes in Florida. Very nice surprise.
Unfortunately, at least while flying at 1000 AGL, all vessels vanish at close range (approx 1 mile or less). This is a big disappointment and I hope this problem is solved at some point.
Nevertheless, I do not regret my purchase and welcome the introduction of traffic approaching and departing the major shipping hubs.
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I’m happy with the product. We need more ships. Maybe both this one and the preexisting global ship traffic freeware will be enough. I understand the limitations, but I honestly expected more than one container ship at Aarhus. Maybe it’s not as big a port as I thought it was. Part of this, of course, is Asobo’s fault. The biggest reason we need more ships is that the traffic provided in the sim is grossly inadequate. They have cars everywhere, but you’re lucky if you find two leisure craft on a large lake on a Sunday afternoon.
Hi @tacandme1484w - Thanks for the feedback. You should definitely be seeing vessels at well above 1000AGL. Closer to 47000 AGL is what we can see (screenshot below). In the second screenshot the sim is telling us the boat is 26km away but we are not sure of the accuracy of that… clearly it’s further than 1000 ft. If you email us we should be able to help you out with settings.
If it’s the leisure ships you’re talking about - that is probably the issue that has been identified in SU5. We have made MS/Asobo aware and they’re investigating (once they fix the other issues).
As far is i can tell, its only the leisure boats that are being generated randomly around shorelines that suffer from the popping in and out. The boats on the routes that come with this pack dont have that problem. The boats in this pack are visible from a long way out and can be tracked with my little map nav
Thanks @meningstlos - We reported this to MS/Asobo. It wasn’t there when we were developing the product. We are also seeing many more boats loitering than should be but are checking to see if that’s something that ‘snuck in’ during release or is also SU5.
One separate but significant issue we have reported to MS/Asobo is the that the appearance of ships on routes (ours and theirs) doesn’t ‘follow’ the plane. The sim doesn’t track your position and bring in ground traffic relevant to where you are. So when you take off you might see some and then they slowly fade away with just a few of the coastal leisure boats appearing when you land. The only less than ideal work around we’ve seen is to change the weather and/or time to give the sim a ‘kick’. MS/ASobo are looking into this too. I believe it was an issue pre-SU5 but no one really noticed until now.
Thank you for the kind reply. Actually the ships render at great distances and remain in view until I am approaching at approx 1000 AGL or less and within 1 mile or less (mostly less than 1 mile). The disappearance happens regardless of my rate of closure. I did see a couple of comments elsewhere about the same issue (vanishing boats at close range). I will fiddle with settings, but do not have this problem elsewhere. Asobo’s SU5 has managed to poop all over what heretofore has been an enjoyable sim.
Do please remember that, even with the disappearance issue, I am overall satisfied with your product I do not regret my purchase.
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So are there any plans to add more than the 19 ships to increase variety? And if yes, will they appear in the correct region? will navy ships, ferries etc. be added?
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Hey devs,
I am really looking forward to buying this product - I have already been reading all the descriptions on Orbx. Unfortunately, right now this sim is not the most stable thing ever and I just moved 58 payware airports etc out of my Official and Community folders earlier today to prevent issues with stability as much as I can… so when things get patched up by MS/Asobo, I am looking forward to getting this. Cheers and thanks for developing something that looks very promising!
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Hello! Will this be coming to the Xbox series X too? Would buy it instantly!
Hi @BostonJeremy77 - Currently we are experiencing issues too and the products are not performing as intended. Nevertheless thanks for your continued interest. We will post updates here as things improve.
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Hi @airjuneau - We are in the process of adding more ships (eventually an additional 20+). There are there are currently some other issues that mean the products aren’t working as intended too and we are looking to work with MSFS/Asobo to diagnose and rectify them. In terms of ship variety, there ‘may’ be some military ships in the future but with the focus on freight, gas, oil and utility vessels it will not be the first priority. The products are aimed at more generic traffic types but with the greater volume (which isn’t appearing as intended currently).
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I currently have your Core package and the Freebie Channel Islands plugins from Orbx. Should I keep them disabled in the meantime in order to avoid any potential crashes, or are those good to go right now? I saw that the Core package was updated since SU5 - not sure if it addresses any issues.
Hi @BostonJeremy77 - the Vessels Core has been updated to include the new wake technology but otherwise is the same. Let us know if you experience any issues with it though please.
Will do! Thank you for the answer!
@SeafrontSims will this Mod come out for Xbox ?