Anti aliasing regression: A lot of shimmering/aliasing happening ever since SU1 beta was pushed

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes and I believe it is the moire effect. I am also noticing zigzag shading bleeding through the textures similar to the OP’s youtube videos posted in this thread.

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Weird… doesn’t affect me at all.

Try spawning on a grooved runway, an example is runway 03 at KNID. you will see the grooves alias/shimmer like crazy. That’s just one example where its very easy to see.


Just checked and even in Performance mode ( where you would expect a bit of fizzle) I’m not seeing poor aliasing

Im talking TAA here, DLSS is not usable for me with the blurry displays. Even with DLSS4 its too blurry, cannot read my instruments.

This was not an issue before SU1, so asobo has done something to ruin it. I think its the removed texture supersampling that causes this, but as they removed the setting with SU1, i cant test that.

Here my post about it, i linked a few examples showing the aliasing im talking about :wink: Anti aliasing regression: A lot of shimmering/aliasing happening ever since SU1 beta was pushed

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Just tried TAA, it looks a bit better than Performance. I’ve also tried DLAA and it looks the same as TAA. Just not seeing it.

You getting it on the plane or the runway/scenery? When the camera is still or when moving? Just not seeing aliasing.

I am at 1440 so don’t know if youre are using a lower resolution that would make aliasing more noticable.

Edit: just checked your vid - if you are refering to the lines across the runway, that isnt aliasing, that is just the texture

Does it not depend on what kind of AA you’re using? I’ll try to remember to check it out when I start the game back up.

This is definitely not always visible. I very often fly out of EKVG with superspuds scenery, which as one of the scenery improvements adds the grooved runway to the airport as per real life. Most runways in the sim are probably not grooved, but i found a default one that does feature one, KNID. Very visible there, i have a video in that post i linked in the comment before that shows exactly what im talking about.

Another way to spot the issue is to look at the runway hold short markings, runway threshold as you approach them on taxi, they used to look normal, no major aliasing. Now they will alias/shimmer as you approach them :frowning:

I added this onto the end of my last post but I will add it here as youve posted again -

Just checked your vid - if you are refering to the lines across the runway, that isnt aliasing, that is just the texture

Trust me, in the sim you see this issue way worse than in the video, but even in the video i think its visible. This is a new regression and it never used to happen, so im sure something is not as it used to be…

The aliasing is actually not even in the whole image, thats the weird part of it. It’s like there are two zones where the aliasing occurs, its a little bit ahead of the camera view, but the whole “scene” doesnt alias.

The texture may be crappier but that is definately not aliasing. Aliasing happens on edges

I tried with DLSS and even then i saw the issue, while being a bit less intense. I still use TAA due to the much improved screen clarity though

It’s kinda like a moire effect if you will. Im not an expert in AA, i want to describe it better so if there is a better word for it, please im thankful to be corrected. I just used the word aliasing or shimmer because i think most people will understand what i mean.

I think aliasing is quite the correct term, going by this wiki article and the second example is exactly what im seeing. Aliasing - Wikipedia

Aye I understand but aliasing is something specific and that is not aliasing. I can see a “comb” effect on some of the textures if thats what you mean, sort of jaggy edge but that is the texture. I could do a video clip of what I see on that runway that shows whilst the texture isnt brilliant the image is totally stable and there is no aliasing or moire/shimmer effect.

It could of course just be that you have waaay better eyesight than I do and I just cant see it :slight_smile:

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In the sim and in the video i can the lines moving constantly, even with the camera fully static.

It’s so obvious. You can literally see like a couple of metres of runway right in front of you flickering with jagged lines.

Never happened before, was introduced with a previous beta, and needs fixing before SU1 is released.

Such a clear regression should not be part of a public release.

SU1 will have to be delayed until it is fixed.


Done a bit more testing. I did manage to get a bit of the moire effect when I moved the camera. When I stopped the camera it stopped though so I wasnt able to take a picture of it.

I did however take a close up of the runway and you will be able to see all of the horizontal lines. This is what causes the effect when moving. I will happen in all games (usually can happen with lots of parallel straight lines). Not sure any AA system that isnt mightily expensive can cope 100% with that situation.

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This didn’t happen before the beta though, so something has gone wrong somehwere.


Perhaps the runway wasnt made up of thin strips before the beta. Dunno. Never been to this airport before