Any Fix for Odd Transparant Vertical Strips in Cockpit Windows

Have experienced odd transparent vertical strips in the cockpit windows during all weather except clear. Affects all OEM and 3rd-party aircraft.

MSFS regularly and fully updated.
Present in normal or developer’s mode.
Present under DX12.
Has been present for months now under various versions of the WHQL or AMD video drivers.
Have ‘clean’ uninstalled and installed video drivers many times.
Present under all combinations of graphic settings.

Present under regularly and fully patched Windows 11 Pro.
Have even done a clean reinstall of Windows 11 Pro.
Hardware is MSI RX 6700 XT, AMD 5800X, Gigabyte X570 M/B, 32GB DDR4, NVMe.

Am an old hand at sorting out issues but nothing seems to work.

A screenshot of the effect is provided.

Any solutions out there?

Rolling and manual caches empty?
Nvidia cache cleared?

Rolling and manual caches emptied many times.

The video card is an AMD RX 6700 XT.

The issue only affects MSFS out of an extensive collection of sims and games installed.

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You’ve probably done this but, have you run msfs completely vanilla with Community Folder empty and all external addons removed?

Thanks for the idea but I did try that, multiple times. :frowning:

Not related but out of curiosity can I go with no rolling cache with a 50mbps fiber optic connection? Will the scenery load properly without any caching?

Yes, I know it applies to only places you’ve visited multiple times but still.

With all you’ve tried already it might be time to look at your actual monitor’s picture settings especially if it’s a TV as not all features work well with PC.

It is the same issue on three different branded monitors, all with different settings.

It should if no other issues.

Check AMD for latest cpu AND chipset drivers, they are seperate downloads also check you have the latest bios. Then visit your mainboard manufacturer’s for anything they might have.

All done on a regular basis.

Can you borrow another gpu? preferably the same

Not really.

But the question arises if the video card causes NO issues with a ‘massive’ and ‘vastly ranging’ collection of Steam, Epix, UbiSoft, Xbox, GOG, and other collections of games, then logic dictates the issue is more likely related to MSFS in DX12mode.

And the video card operates under the APIs DirectX 9-12, OpenGL, and Vulcan fine.

Thanks for the ideas but I was hopefully looking for more than ‘blind’ suggestions in the hope that something will work. Pretty much exhausted all options :frowning:

Nothing taxes your system more than MSFS, that other games run fine means very little when it’s actually just you on here with this particular problem. Does DXdiag tell you anything?

PS. there’s nothing blind about the process of elimination.

I don’t use it, but it is quite controversial.
There is a large thread here on this subject.

In my opinion, if you have a good internet connection, you won’t notice any gains by having it on.
What it does, is store the scenery files in your hard drive for the area you fly over.
If you fly this area again, it will use the saved scenery files from the hard drive rather than stream them from the net, thus saving streaming issues/costs, which is appreciated by those with internet limitations.

I beg to differ, with a manual or rolling cache there is no or virtually no popping in over PG. Flying gliders in circles one tends to notice these things.

It’s just a reflection from the vertical blinds behind your chair :slight_smile:

What about running msfs in dx11, is it there still?
Reinstall latest Direct X ?

Thinking out loud…
It is a strange one. Almost like it’s only cloud textures being effected and they being dragged down to the horizion line, not like a standard vertical line issue, with the usuall supects, that would effect the entire screen, top to bottom.
Corrupted texture file(s) ?

I did say it was controversial, and only my opinion!! :grinning:
But I digress, this is best discussed in the proper thread.

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A little more searching and it seems this issue is not isolated to just me.

It also seems to be common to the 6700 XT (and I suspect the RX 6750 XT). It is the common denominator shared by posts reporting the issue.

One note is that the RX 6700 XT (and the RX 6750 XT) use the ‘Navi 22’ architecture.
The ‘Navi 21’ is used in its bigger brothers, the RX 6800XT and RX 6900 XT.

The ‘Navi 22’ seems to be used in laptops as well. It would be interesting to see if the issue does indeed affect the mobile version of the 6700.

Even the lower RX 6600 range uses a different architecture called the ‘Navi 23’.

Through a rough process of elimination, one has to wonder if is it a unique issue with ‘Navi 22’.

Reading this it seems AMD went to town doing a cutdown version of the ‘Navi 21’ to create the ‘Navi 22’ used in the RX 6700 XT.

Well that’s a start … has anyone found the reason or a fix?